Spider-Man: Homecoming

The only time I ever got really angry about casting a different ethnicity for a role was when Jennifer Garner was cast as Elektra.
No one else gives a crap, but it made me furious.
You know who would have been an amazing Elektra?
Indira Varma.
Yes, I know she's not Greek, but she looks Greek, and she's not a flipping pretty red-haired white girl.

I don't have an issue with Zendaya as MJ, as long as she brings the personality.
I did have a problem with Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm and I'll stand by that.
The Fantastic Four is a different kind of team than a team like, say, the Avengers.

The Avengers is a collection of folks from completely different backgrounds (and movie genres) united by a common ethic and purpose.
The Fantastic Four is just the opposite of that. It's a family of individuals who would otherwise have had nothing to do with each other if they weren't related. They are in different stages of their lives and their individual interests and goals are completely different. So their defining characteristic is their relationship as a family. While the Avengers conflict over professional ethics, the FF have marital disputes, sibling tension and childish harassment (e.g. Johnny vs. Grimm).

While MBJ's relationship with Sue is explained as her being adopted it adds nothing to the plot nor to their characters, so it stands out as merely a superfluous layer of contrivance in order to justify the casting. I think it would have been more true to FF to have made the entire family black or Asian as long as the relationships and chemistry were preserved.
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While MBJ's relationship with Sue is explained as her being adopted it only stands out as a superfluous level of contrivance in order to justify the casting. I think it would have been more true to FF to have made the entire family black or Asian as long as the character and chemistry were preserved.

I agree with this.
I didn't get upset about Johnny Storm, though, because I'm just not a big FF fan.
There was a cartoon I used to watch as a kid, but meh. They never really interested me.
I will say I enjoyed Chris Evans' take on the character.
He was such a cocky jerk! Loved hating him. :)
When people say "Stop changing character's race and start creating new and interesting characters of that race/sex/religion/identity" I actually agree with them. It can be done. Look at the Spider-Man universe for example, and look at Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen and Silk. All three have been very popular and are very interesting characters.
If they're interesting and their powers are cool, people will enjoy the characters.

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So watching that teaser....is this suppose to take place before or after the big Civil War showdown? Or did Stark take back his suit? Seems confusing...
Hey, with Infinity Gauntlet coming up, and Guardians of the Galaxy in the mix, too, maybe we can get Peter into space to get himself a proper black suit this time!
I know Reed gave him the suit, and I know it was in Secret Wars, but there's really no reason it couldn't happen in the Gauntlet story.
I like new Spidey. I'm really hopeful and excited for the future of Marvel now. So many possibilities...
Definitely seems before Civil War. He's wearing a hoodie and fingerless gloves like the concept art showed.

Yes, but remember Stark first meets Peter during Civil War which shows pics of peter in his old costume. The only logical thing is that this is either between the meeting and the civil war fight at the airport or he lost his suit after civil war.

It contextually doesn't appear to make sense based on what we know
I would be betting that there is a flashback to him getting the first suit from Tony or something like that. This new suit has the underarm webbing which he did not have in Civil War. So possibly this is a new suit or maybe the same suit and the webbing is retractable and we just didn't see it before. I would think the latter probably.

This movie is called Homecoming. That could imply more than one thing. The obvious high school inference, but it could also refer to his return from Civil War with the new suit.
Hey, with Infinity Gauntlet coming up, and Guardians of the Galaxy in the mix, too, maybe we can get Peter into space to get himself a proper black suit this time!
I know Reed gave him the suit, and I know it was in Secret Wars

Actually Reed did not give him the suit in the original Secret War comics. If my memory serves correct, they had all just finished a battle and a few guys had torn up costumes. Spidey walks up to a few heros with new suits and says something like "Hey, where did you get the new suits?" To which they replied. "In there. There is a costume making machine." Spidey goes in the room and doesn't know what machine they are talking about and goes to the wrong one. That being the container with the Symbiote. He had no idea he opened up something he wasn't supposed to. It was only later on when Reed examined the suit, that they found out what it was.
Oh, okay. It's been 30 years since I read Secret Wars... memory's fuzzy.
I thought the costume machine was an invention of Reed's.
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Pete's always been a photographer, taking pics of Spider-Man.
I'll betcha they've replaced the camera with a phone, and instead of selling pics to the Bugle he uploads vids to youtube.
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