Spaceballs! There goes the planet...

Got the whole costume finished now:


Gotta help my friend finish up his helmet and we'll be good to go for the con. Hail Skroob! :confused
Any chance of pics of the Spaceballs laser rifle? Always thought it was a neat prop.

They were just a Calico M-100 with a Maglight stuck to the top. I've been looking for one and the cheapest I could find was a $200 resin cast version used for military training. Eventually I want to do one of the black guard spaceballs but between the gun and the chest armor it's a bit out of my reach at the moment. :unsure

awesome working on one myself

, what boots were used in the film any suggestions? and any leads on white coveralls pref with two front chest pockets like the film
Good start! The corners need to rounded off instead of 90*. The boots were a grey moon boot with a black stripe above the ankle. A decent alternative I found were grey Uggs, just need to add the stripe. I think the coveralls were custom made for the movie as I haven't been able to find anything exact. I can post a link tonight to where we ordered ours from.
Good day all, this is my first post on RPF, thanks for having me.


I've been working on a Spaceballs 'Blackguard' soldier for awhile now. I have the gun done and the chestpiece, although I'm not fully happy with either.

Your costumes look great so far, After reading Jack's post on the acrylic lamp fixture I went out and bought one a few hours later.

/hijacking thread


Quick question for you all. Where do you think I can get the silver undersuit for this costume? I would strongly prefer a two piece as it would be easier to get in and out of.

/hijack over

Hail Skroob!
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