Space Command Space Suits

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Guys we are working on that very thing. More to come on that. What I'm looking for now is hoses for the OXY tubes and fitting and releases. Rusty who works for United Airlines is on the buckles and releases but I need to get the hoses next and the fittings. Hopefully something has connection fittings that go with it with press and release. All you guys that are helping will be listed in my credits for the suits.

Thanks so much!


I wish I were still on active duty; I could have definitely helped with the OXY hoses. Consequently, you may try a military surplus store if you are near one. I was amazed at what you could find in those places! :thumbsup
How about forming the section behind the neck separately, and hiding the join under that strip? Or just cutting that section out from each pull while it's still on the buck? The other 3/4 of the pull might then release ok, and you'd have no seam to clean up and make transparent.

Thanks but I think it would be past the under cut. Good thought though.

Guys we are working on that very thing. More to come on that. What I'm looking for now is hoses for the OXY tubes and fitting and releases. Rusty who works for United Airlines is on the buckles and releases but I need to get the hoses next and the fittings. Hopefully something has connection fittings that go with it with press and release. All you guys that are helping will be listed in my credits for the suits.

Thanks so much!


Steve, aren't the Oxy tubes basically vacuum-cleaner hose? Have a look at these guys ... you'll have to buy in 25' quantities, but they have a good selection and several different end connectors.

Good luck!


Then there's these guys who sell a variety of flexible hoses and they also sell an aluminum 1.5 inch J-lock connector which is a little pricey per unit, but I bet you could ask for a sample and take castings to make your own out of plastic!
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I went the vac cleaner hose route for another project. You should check spare parts dealers or even buy used ones off ebay, there´s usually some kind of connector attached to the hoses.
That's what I like so much about this forum: so many people willing to help. There seems to be no shortage of aid when one's car breaks down on the rpf highway!:cool

I'm enjoying this retro approach thus far with the Space Command gear. That was a huge dissapointment with Star Trek '09, where they could have gone back to the source and extrapolated on '60s design concepts with modern tecghnology, giving the movie an extremely unique look. But instead it ended up looking like every other movie made today.:unsure
Oh yes, and I know one certain bearded banned member who´d have had a field day in this thread :( Ah well, unfortunately his loss :(
Hi Steve, I did a search and came across this stuff. I think you can buy it in different dia & length. It's called flexible ducting hose. Good luck in the project.

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