Space Command Clipper Build

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Steve, Just wanted to let you know that I tried your technique for making panel lines and it works great! Now I can't wait to try it out on something! Great tip and thanks for sharing. One is never to old to learn a new technique.
Steve, I think I have an idea for some nose art.


Wouldn´t Pepe work better with that phrase?

And I think it does not need to be a licensed character anyway, but something completely original, otherwise the suspension of disbelief might not work when real world elements such as already known characters are brought onto the scene.
Getting so close now! This is looking fantastic as usual Steve

This is the hardest stage for me when I'm building, since I get excited and start to rush (mark of a true amateur :lol)
Steve, Just wanted to let you know that I tried your technique for making panel lines and it works great! Now I can't wait to try it out on something! Great tip and thanks for sharing. One is never to old to learn a new technique.

Good to hear! Enjoy it it's fast!

Wouldn´t Pepe work better with that phrase?

And I think it does not need to be a licensed character anyway, but something completely original, otherwise the suspension of disbelief might not work when real world elements such as already known characters are brought onto the scene.
You guys are taking this a little far. The line, "Ain't I stinker", has nothing to do what the character is. But the line, "Ain't I stinker", is old American slang for someone who likes to cause trouble. Which was something Bugs excelled at, and Elmer Fudd was often the mark.
Now I posted this as a personal joke between Steve and I. Since we are both fans of the classic Warner Brother cartoons.
I know all of the legal ramifications, but often times stuff like this will make it's way into movies regardless of the legal issues. It's often done as a tip of the hat, and overlooked. In this case this can be used as nose art, but your never going to see it(clearly) on screen. Since SC is based on 50's style sci-fi, it follows the same theme to have nose art on the spacecraft. Since it was still common practice in the USAF in those days.


You guys are taking this a little far. The line, "Ain't I stinker", has nothing to do what the character is. But the line, "Ain't I stinker", is old American slang for someone who likes to cause trouble. Which was something Bugs excelled at, and Elmer Fudd was often the mark.
Now I posted this as a personal joke between Steve and I. Since we are both fans of the classic Warner Brother cartoons.
I know all of the legal ramifications, but often times stuff like this will make it's way into movies regardless of the legal issues. It's often done as a tip of the hat, and overlooked. In this case this can be used as nose art, but your never going to see it(clearly) on screen. Since SC is based on 50's style sci-fi, it follows the same theme to have nose art on the spacecraft. Since it was still common practice in the USAF in those days.
Looking wonderful, Steve!
I do have a question (about 17 installments too late!), but I still wonder: what did you use to adhere the masonite ribs to the center splines? Were they "squared up" or eyeballed?
I found your youtube channel after contributing to the kickstarter for space command. I love it! Amazing stuff.
facinating stuff!

I was surprised that you didn't make separate molds for each half, tho. Wouldn't that have saved you some silicone? I guess it's always easier to backseat build
Once we get a bit further into production with Space Command I will offer a few built and lighted. Signed by Doug too I recon.

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