Source for RTV rubber?

Less than Super Ostrich

Well-Known Member
Where do you guys source your RTV rubber for casting? I have a little project with a lot of small parts (scratchbuilt minis for a present I'm giving to my nephew). I usually just cast up small parts and have found the small Alumite jar fine... but this is a bigger project and I thought I could use some more. Thanks.
Either of the Oomoos are a solid starting point. They cure fast with little to no bubble, and are 1:1. Once you start understanding the mechanics, you can move up to teh good stuff, like the Mold Max line, and others in the listing for specific uses. Best of luck, and let's see some results once you ffinish your first pull!
which one?

Douglas and Sturgess, Inc. is supposed to be a decent resource and was recommended in my first moldmaking class. I have yet to waddle over there, because their hours are limited, but that's on my to do list. My instructor might have recommended it because D&S's proximity eliminated shipping costs, but he has been making molds of one type or another since the 60's.

I did send a question in via email to D&S and never got a recommendation, but I might be just a small fry.

Either of the Oomoos are a solid starting point. They cure fast with little to no bubble, and are 1:1.

And they fail pretty quick :) The 1:1 ratio is nice but I have not experienced any long term use from Oomoo RTV, IMO it's short run only... If you are familiar with using the Alumilite RTV then go with the Mold Max line, or pick up the Dow & Corning line that Alumilite sells, I believe they sell it in larger containers but their site is down right now...

Also a lot of people recommend GI-1000 from