Sonic Screwdrivers Question ?


New Member
Im looking for a David Tennant or Matt Smith Sonic Screwdriver that most closly fits the actual props used on screen. I have seen every thing from some crappy toy that looks like it will fall apart the first time it is droped on the floor; to pens, real screwdrivers and flashlights.....all to that seem to vary in size and design a bit. :confused
Would some one please steer me in the right direction or site where I could find a most sonic prop. Thanks so much in advance.
I would highly suggest the use of the search function on this forum. Its quite efficient. your two closest bets right now for Tennant Screwdriver are the Celestial Toystore (CT) Sonic Screwdriver and the MFX Sonic Screwdriver. As for the Smith, you have teh CO toy verison and the die cast verison that is an actual screwdriver.... I suggest you use these tiny tidbits of information and go from there.