Sonic Screwdriver - the toys


Master Member
I'm looking for more information on the toy versions of the sonic screwdrivers - specifically the 9th/10th Doctor version.
I thought I had read somewhere that Tennent's sonic was molded off the toy version because the sizing was better than the original prop - true or false?
Also, I have seen some video reviews of the 11th sonic and all have said how large it is - is the toy version similiar is size to the original prop or is it WAY too big?
Finally, I was wondering if anyone here had accurized or added further detail to the Tennent toy screwdriver to give it a little more realism?
1. False. The CO toy is bigger.
2. I believe that the toy is ever-so-sightly larger, but 11's sonic is a beast.
3. Risu did some great mods to his CO - I think there's a thread on here with pics.
1. False. The CO toy is bigger.
2. I believe that the toy is ever-so-sightly larger, but 11's sonic is a beast.
3. Risu did some great mods to his CO - I think there's a thread on here with pics.

eWan, for some reason I JUST made the connection that you are the dude I met at the socal prop party a while back. I am a little on the slow side this month!! :)

There have been some great threads already that discuss the sonic at length, including the similarities and differences between the toys and the screen used pieces.

Check it:
I just finished some digging around and found some of the information I was after. I am now curious on any recent developments as far as mods go on these.
I would love to get a great sonic for less, but it looks like I just need to bite the bullet and wait for QMx to put theirs out.

Made using a bit of old misinformation. The crackles didn't come out too well, they were better when I had first painted it with the ivory color.

I just finished some digging around and found some of the information I was after. I am now curious on any recent developments as far as mods go on these.
I would love to get a great sonic for less, but it looks like I just need to bite the bullet and wait for QMx to put theirs out.

I cut one down, added ridges, repainted and used aluminum tape on one...
I don't know how much that will help, but I would be remiss if I didn't at least toss it out.
Risu: Damn, that's some beautiful work, sir. It looks a lot better. I'm guessing the slider button is non-functional, yes?

As for the 11th Doctor Screwdriver, I'd heard that the CO toy was actually slightly SMALLER than the prop, not larger. Any word on which is which?
Thanks. Yea, the slider button is just for show.

And yea, I heard somewhere that the CO 11 toy was a few mm smaller.
I finally had a chance to handle to toy sonics today - a friend of mine I hadn't seen in a while showed me his 10th and 11th toy sonics.
Firstly, I was pleasently suprised by the size and sound effects on the Tennent SS. I know the actual prop is smaller which blows my mind because the toy SS is small enough. I can see why this toy version is a suitable stand-in for Doctor Who costumers.
The Smith SS is pretty big and suprised to hear that the real prop is a tad bigger! This thing felt almost like holding a lightsaber. I'm not a huge fan of the design of Smith's SS so I suppose it is going to be one of those things that grows on me.
I might pick up one of the toy Tennent versions but will eventually want to get the QMx replica (pending its actual release) or the CT replica. The only reservation I have about either of those is the sound volume of the buzz.
For god's sake, that bit of misinformation was proven wrong years ago. The prop was NEVER molded off of the toy. Please excuse my impatience, but somebody has had to say that in pretty much every single thread about the sonic ever posted.