Something I *finally* finished! Training remote!


Sr Member
I was able to get a rotocast of this a very long time ago and it sat in my shop, begging to be finished. I had the rims, etc, but not the inclination to do it.

Funny thing, is that I only started it because I was working on another project that needed the exact same color as the base of this, so I did both at the same time.

Not perfect (I see a 100 things I did wrong) but I love how it turned out. a "Just built" look.

It looks good "as first built by"....perhaps a little of weathering would do the job !!!! :thumbsup
Nice work.
Man, I bet that is light! You could actually probably make a magnetic floating display out of that one! :) Many have tried but I don't think anyone ever succeeded?
niiiiice. well done! a little weathering and it will go from brilliant to amazing! thumbs up!

Nice work--feels great to finally get those old projects wrapped up, doesn't it? I have an old Cerney remote (I think) that I finally got rims for a couple months ago. The shell and rims have been sitting on a shelf waiting to be glued. This post inspires me to get off my bum and do it! :)