Soda Cap with Safety Pin inquery


Master Member
Someone here on this board was offering soda caps. This is not to do with ANY copyrighted movie prop. I have a bottle of grape soda and keep losing the cap. Is there someone here capable of making me a replacement cap, and put a safety pin in it so I don't lose it? I would purchase it.

Thanks RPF
The members of Rpf are pretty crafty, so i guess someone will come UP with something for you.
There's a member here that goes by Nickytea...he drinks lots of grape soda.
I have no idea what you're talking about, man. We're all just a bunch of classic grape soda aficionadoes here!
As said above, a picture would help a great deal.
I can't really tell what kind of bottle you are looking for.

As for PET-plastic bottles, there are "Baby Soda Bottles" for sale on eBay (and elsewhere). These are soda bottles that have not been blown up into bottles yet, and they have the shape of test tubes - and are sold as such.
The plastic caps that come with them are pristine, but you don't get to choose the color.
As said above, a picture would help a great deal.
I can't really tell what kind of bottle you are looking for.

As for PET-plastic bottles, there are "Baby Soda Bottles" for sale on eBay (and elsewhere). These are soda bottles that have not been blown up into bottles yet, and they have the shape of test tubes - and are sold as such.
The plastic caps that come with them are pristine, but you don't get to choose the color.

Ummmm... :confused
As said above, a picture would help a great deal.
I can't really tell what kind of bottle you are looking for.

As for PET-plastic bottles, there are "Baby Soda Bottles" for sale on eBay (and elsewhere). These are soda bottles that have not been blown up into bottles yet, and they have the shape of test tubes - and are sold as such.
The plastic caps that come with them are pristine, but you don't get to choose the color.

Are you serius?...

In Swedish: Killen söker söker en speciell kapsyl från en datagjord film vilket namn vi inte får säja eftersom dom har redan skickat ett elakt brev från filmbolaget om försäljning av just denna lilla sak.
Can you copyright an object???

Even if you can, (which I doubt), can you copyright gluing one common household object to another common household object?

I suspect that this uncopyrightableness (tm) is why there isn't more trouble from film studios in this hobby....
Are you serius?...
Yes, I was. I totally missed the jokes at the beginning of the thread.
I have caught the (swine?) flu and having a fever doesn't exactly boost my IQ ... :confused
I was surfing this forum during the day because I am staying at home from work. :unsure

And no, I have not got around to seeing the movie yet.