Thanks guys small update.
I want to start using some solvents
to weld projects, in a way it makes
or forces you to be a little cleaner
with seams.Where the CA glues
will fill gaps they dry fast and
brittle, so for the speeder i am
really going to try to get away
from this. I pickrd up a can of
"Weld On 3" works great, i
dispense it out of a 27 gage
needle applicator.With this
size applicator there is basicaly
no odor.....that works for me!:thumbsup
I took the hull plan template and just
fillet it up.
For the front clip piece in this photo
i just scored the reference lines
on the back side, and carefully
worked it until they split open,
but not enough to break it into
sections. The "opened" reference lines
on the back side are then filled with
the thick CA glue, this makes for a
100% seamless seems on the front.
To get tight seems where the hull halves
meet the front clip, i sanded the leading
edges at angles then i was abke to use'the solvent
to join the plastic. I will get a litle cleaner with the
solvent, but as you can see on the left after it evaporates
it is easily sanded away.
I wanted to knock out one of the rear boxes, I added
the small strip styrene to the bottom of the front plate
first.Then i cut the heat fins and trimmed them before
fitting the front plate to the top plate.
Small mock up ....