SNG studios Daily video

So much work on the Skydiver she's nearly done. The entire bottom is preened up, painted and all the pinstripes added.Tomorrow for sure.
Got the Bat Girl cowl trimmed, preened and painted.
And started getting the d back together after customs tore it apart. Lights all working again and got the neck glued back on.
Next up to fix the many light leaks caused by the breakage and then the repaint of the joins.








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Thank you! It's getting there. When will it ever end. And I still have to get the RC gear in there.

Another entire day on the skydiver. Painting, painting and more painting. Almost there. Just a little tweaking. I added the screen to the intake and made a lip around it out of styrene.
Then there's that canopy. Neither does it fit or look right. I tried to heat and bend it a bit so it would be a bit more narrow. It did look better but I wasn't buying it. So made my own plug out of balsa.
Tomorrow I will pull an algenate mold on it, pour one in stone and tool the stone so it is glassy smooth. Pull a clear canopy on the vacuum form and then mask the windows.
Build up lots of primer and brass paint. Once the tape is removed I should have some nice depth to the window settings.
More tomorrow folks.DSC03528.JPGDSC03529.JPGDSC03531.JPGDSC03533.JPGDSC03534.JPG
bit late to the party but thanks for coming back steve, always enjoyed reading your threads. :thumbsup
Thanks a bunch Zorg.

Seems I can't get this Skydiver done. Tomorrow for sure? Hmmm...well I got the top of the sail detailed and added the hatch and bits up there. None of which were included in my kit parts doe I scratch built them. that will show them!
Made those sail windows. Made that mold of the canopy form and then made a stone buck and sanded it to glassy smooth. Vacuum formed it twice and got to good ones. Masked it, primered it and then added the gold. It's a perfect fit too. tomorrow I'll remove the tape once the paint is really dry.
Oh yes and I almost forgot. I made the screens for the limber holes since I couldn't find anything suitable. Figures. A lot of this boat is scratch built now.
More tomorrow?

I think I finished! I might do an hour in the morning on the airbrushing topside just a little bit more.
Put in a mounting plate for the scopes. They now screw in tight to the correct position so they can be removed for transporting.
All painted black inside. Cleaned it up in there first. This will compliment the look of the water tight cylinder and electronics once they arrive and get installed.
New canopy rocks the house. So much better of a fit.
SNG Weekly will upload tonight and be ready to be viewed tomorrow morning.






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Went into town and shipped all the perks.
Got a lot more done on the JJ Mobile. All the gaps are filled. the ones that still leak are from thick CA. They nave to be painted over.
Droops and toe-in on the nacelles are fixed. A hair dryer did the trick. She is now ready to have her white base hull pain touched up.
Next up Mary starts applying Aztek dummies masks. Nice thing is she's all solid now and locked down. Base is solid and all the wires tucked in with a switch to turn on the warp nacelles.
This model will be for sale shortly. Email or PM me id interested.







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Bling bling...

I really need to taker a page form your book... I obsess over those seams when all I really need to do is paint over them... :D(y)cheers

Jedi Dade
Ahahahah! Yep. It's true.

Well I know this must be getting boring but this ship is really getting cleaner all the time. Sounds like a song but really. I did more seaming today and it seems to me she's ready to start the aztecing to the hull.
All touched up and painted all the seams and shes one color. Very few leaks. So next up azteks and decals.
Steve NeillDSC03672.JPGDSC03675.JPGDSC03654.JPGDSC03657.JPGDSC03659.JPGDSC03660.JPGDSC03662.JPGDSC03666.JPGDSC03667.JPGDSC03677.JPG










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More than half the day at the studiowas spent doing our show's edit.
Once that was done I moved on to finishing the Communionsculpture for the new mold. Which will be made tomorrow.
Lastly I decided to start the dreadful job of applying the Aztekmasks. Now please don't tell me I have spelled Aztec wrong. Aztek is spelledright according to Aztek Dummy. It's getting old. ;)
To my joy Lou's instructions are veryclear and make perfect sense. I could actually understand the process as heexplains it. Not only that the new material vinyl he's using is just great. Youcan slide it around yet it stays where you put it. and it does leave any kindof goo behind when removed. I am very pleased! What you see here I did in a fewminutes.
Good day. See ya back heretomorrow.





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What a day. I have these 3 subs for a client I built over 3 years ago that he finally wants to have shipped. I have to make a "How To" video for him on the entire operation of all three subs too. But after sitting for so long I have had to go over them in detail to make sure everything is working and fix everything that's not.

They are ready for the next step which is to test them in the water. So far no leaks and most of the batteries came back after recycling. But there were a few things to fix. Time is a harsh mistress. ;)

Worked on my Halloween costume more. Everything is done and I will try the Batman outfit on for all of you to have a giggle over soon.

first you see the subs open and in pieces. Last all together and a nice new stand for the little Nautilus. all this has been covered in the next SNG Episode number 13.

My camera is doing weird things. Must be something on the lens so forgive I didn't find out until I got home. So the pictures of the paint jobs on the Martian and ears don't do them justice. I'll take some better ones tomorrow. Lots of ears made to day for happy customers. Started painting the Martian. Got the D packed again and you can see how it's done. This will now going into a cardboard box with more foam. Then the box into another with more foam and bubble rap. This is how the customer wanted it to be packed. No wooden crate this time which instead of protecting only drew attention to it. This time it ought to just blend in. ;)

Got all the subs tested and video of the Nautilus which worked so beautifully. I could just hover between the bottom and the surface. Nearly perfect control.
Got more ears painted.
More done on the Martian paint job.
And started an Eagle 1. It's my plan to do 30 minutes a day on a personal model kit project if I ever hope to get through that huge pile of models I have!
More tomorrow sports fans!
Steve Neill
PS made a belt buckle for Belle Dailey




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More submarine work today. It's been years since I checked out the condition of my 6 year old Moebius Seaview. After testing all of Ben's subs I thought it would be cool to see if she still worked as she just fit the test tank.
She works great and the 6 year old Dave Welch WTC worked flawlessly and had no, I repeat, no leaks. she needed a little re-trim. The lights failed but in the end I got them all working again too.
Another 30 minutes on the Eagle 1 and the lighted parts are light blocked and all the windows cut out.



- - - Updated - - -

For the life of me I can't understand why this site's software puts some of my pictures upside down and out of sequence. Back to using my Photobucket account. ;)
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