SLK Custom Comm


Master Member
It's not done yet. I'm waiting on something in the mail to finish the flip lid properly but I wanted to show you guys what I had so far. Please keep in mind that it's been ages since I've built a kit, I'm no Dennis or Myron or Kev or Todd M and I'm building this kit to keep my stress level down while I'm trying to buy a condo/townhouse/house...

Disclaimer firmly in place we move on:




That's actually primer gray and not light blue. The body is 4 coats of gloss black over 2 coats of gray automotive primer. The gray is bare primer. The silver is Krylon Shortcuts Hobby Chrome. I left the two small "indicator lights" squares the bare dark gray resin and glued 2 sets of 4 tiny blue glass jewels to them. Once the item I'm waiting for comes in the mail I'll finish the lid and post shots of the finished piece.
I like that you got creative and did not make it exact to my suggestion. I made these so people could do their own thing to paint them or light them if they chose to as they pleased.

I gave the lighter gunmetal parts in mine(shown below) a blackwash to bring out the detail.


Crappy poor lighting of it closed.
What did you use on the exterior of the lid? It looks close to what I'm planning on. I have to sand the lid back down to the resin because, for the third time, the silver paint glopped up and looks like hell. I'm going to sand it bare, mist it with gloss black and use automotive chrome vinyl like they use in souped up rice rocket hot rod dashes and so forth to give it a proper metallic look. I'm hoping that works because every metallic paint combo I've tried gives a new definition to suck and I'm not dropping $100 to have it professionally chromed or find someone near me that knows how to use Alucad.
Then you are a much more talented dude than I'll ever be. I tried similar to that and screwed it up, twice. LOL! We'll see if my vinyl overlay idea works out or not when the stuff arrives.

Thanks again for selling me this kit, SLK. This thing rocks and by far has been my most favorite kit to build ever.

BTW - my motief was to make the Abrams Trek Comm I thought should have been on screen.
Glad you are having fun.

As with all resin kits, go over the surface with a fine grit paper, scotch brite, or 3M sanding pad. I find dusting the primer on at first is effective. It's always worked for me.
OK, not nuts with how the first attempt with the chrome vinyl came out but I like the effect so I'll do some research on the best way to apply it to a complex surface and try again...or just get someone to make me one out of real metal. :lol

