Simplyprop Issue


New Member
Hello! I'm very new to prop replicas and I think I may have already sent money to someone I shouldn't have! I ordered a saber hilt from Simplyprop back in April. I know, I should have done more research. And now I'm feeling really stupid.

At first he was nice and responsive to emails, but for the last couple of months he hasn't been responding. Then I found out about his shady history. It's been over six months since I paid and I think it's too late to file a claim with paypal at this point.

I know it could just be that he isn't seeing my emails and it's a long wait for the product. But even if I do eventually get what I ordered, I'll know that I supported someone with a known history of scamming people on forums like this one.

I guess the lesson is don't be stupid like me. Be careful who you send your money to.
You actually have 180 days to enter a dispute. Depending when in April you made the transaction you may still have a chance.

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