silicone question


Well-Known Member
i have something i sculpted with super sculpey and baked it hard. will this be a problem if i try to make a silicone casting of it? i have heard silicone reacts with clay but wasnt sure if it applied to baked clays
Silicone should not react to supersculpey. It's the sulpher based oil clays that the tin cure silicons react with. What silicone are you useing?

thanks.. yah i just am never sure which clays have sulfer in them..
I'm using smooth-sil 920 from smooth-on.

by the way.. since you seem to know.. what other clays are good for use in two part mold making other than super sculpey
I use Chevont NSP (non sulfur plastaline) for 90% of what I sculpt. If it's going to be a big project I use WED clay or EM 217. ItÂ’s water clay that Disney had formulated for his Imaginers. You can get both at any F/X supply shop worth their salt.

i appreciate the advice.
yah I wish I had a decent store near me.. i had one for a while that sold resins and other casting supplies and klean klay and what not but it just went out of business.. now im looking for alternatives
thanks. those sites look pretty useful.. especially the one selling the wep clay. danm that stuff is cheap.
Originally posted by Trallis@Aug 5 2005, 12:01 AM
thanks. those sites look pretty useful.. especially the one selling the wep clay. danm that stuff is cheap.

WED clay is cheap till you try to ship it. The shipping for a 50lb box will cost twice as much as the clay... Depending where you are, you might just want to check your local (higher end) art store for water based clay (pottery type). It's going to be similar.

If you don't mind the added expense though, WED clay is GREAT for larger sculptures. Just need to remember to keep it damp and bag it at the end of the day so it doesn't dry out...

The Chavant NSP is fantastic for sculptures as well. Silicones don't have any problems with it that I've encountered... Good call 'efxarts'...