Sideshow Golden Fertility Idol Review


Master Member
This is brief as I am running out the door. I will write more later.

Not accurate.

They didn't fix the mouth, nipples, feet or baby's face

Nice weight to it and it's cold to the touch like gold should be

Very clean looking, loss of a lot of detail

99% of buyers will be satisfied with it.

This idol is about on par with a Magnoli or MK though they have better mouths on them and are a bit more accurate but more pricey too.

These are unfortunately not numbered either, just the base. That kinda sucks.

Here it is:


My Gobler Idol:







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That actually looks pretty good to me. I broke down and ordered it over the weekend and got confirmation yesterday that it shipped, so hopefully I'll be getting mine soon
I'm not too sold on the idol, but I've got a great Magnoli idol and I've never wanted to upgrade it. I just wanted to say though...I LOVE that base!

If I could get just the base - I'd be a happy man! :lol
99% of buyers will be satisfied with it.

:thumbsup Count me among the 99%. (Especially for the price.) Thanks for the
great review & pictures, Brad. By the way, your Gobler idol looks AMAZING on that pedestal! (You lucky SOB!) :cheers
Sad that SS didn't fix the little details, but it looks good for what it is, and for the price as well.

I may have to pick one up in the near future.
I have to be honest I thought it was going to turn out a lot worse!

It won't please the hard-core fans, but for 90% of the collectors out there this is an impressive package - especially because of the base - and lets be honest, this is what good business $ return is all about...

Great pictures Brad and interesting observations on your behalf.

Cheers a bunch mate and looking forward to any further comments you have on the subject.


Many thanks for the review, Brad. I'm not impressed. Now I feel much better for cancelling and waiting.

The base looks awesome.
Good review... Thanks for posting it.

My phone rang tonight and it was UPS! The recorded message said that my idol was scheduled for delivery tomorrow.
Looks much better than I thought. Has to be better than my resin one. I need to raise some cash fast. Sounds like they come pretty quickly.

Thank you for the pics and review.

Just received mine and , accuracy aside, I am pretty happy with it. Nice price. Nice weight. Decent representation. Cool display. I'd say it's worth the money.
It's too bad that it's not more accurate, but for what it is, they seem to have done a good job.

For someone who might not be totally into Indy, but who might want one or two pieces in the collection (like say, an idol and a whip :lol) it might fill the bill. :thumbsup

It's 200.00.
It's a lisenced piece.
It looks nice.
It has a kick-ass base and makes a wonerful display.
Limited to 1,500 pieces.
It's plated.
It will be worth a FORTUNE on the secondary market.
99% of anyone that sees it and holds it will love it.

It's not worth 200 bones? :confused
Thanks for the pics, Brad. I ordered one as well, but mostly for the base. Like you said, I think most will be happy with it. If you weren't fortunate enough to snag a Gobler, this would be a nice addition to an Indy collection.
Many thanks for the review, Brad. I'm not impressed. Now I feel much better for cancelling and waiting.

The base looks awesome.

Yeah, you would hate this!!! It's neat but once you are spoiled with a Gobler, you never can look back.

It's 200.00.
It's a lisenced piece.
It looks nice.
It has a kick-ass base and makes a wonerful display.
Limited to 1,500 pieces.
It's plated.
It will be worth a FORTUNE on the secondary market.
99% of anyone that sees it and holds it will love it.

It's not worth 200 bones? :confused

I agree. The one thing everyone will say is "It's worth the money". That really isn't saying much though...

Keep an eye open in the Junkyard for the idol...

Thanks for posting those awesome photos and the side by side comparison. That really helps me understand the accuracy issues much better since I know the Gobler is considered the most accurate version.
It's 200.00.
It's a lisenced piece.
It looks nice.
It has a kick-ass base and makes a wonerful display.
Limited to 1,500 pieces.
It's plated.
It will be worth a FORTUNE on the secondary market.
99% of anyone that sees it and holds it will love it.

It's not worth 200 bones? :confused

I agree. And I do consider myself an above average Indy fan (even by RPF standards)
I know the Gobler is considered the most accurate version.
There is no consideration, is just is, period. You don't have to be a genius or Indy aficionado to put this all together.

The Sideshow idol is nothing more than a common Ebay idol with a nice plating job, which many 'Sideshow freaks' are apparently worried about since Sideshow has had issues with it in the past. I've seen better idols on Ebay with the same plating. In other words Sideshow has given the fans absolutely nothing we couldn't have gotten ourselves here or elsewhere for the past decade. They even copied the inaccuracies of most of the idols you'd get on Ebay. Next to the mouth the worst is the base (not the base it sits on) of the idol, which as you can see in Brad's comparrion pics has been chopped off so it sits on the knees and too far forward. It also has the flat standard Ebay head. :rolleyes I just cannot believe LFL would allow this crap since it's whats been available to the fans for so long. What they've given us is a starter idol - one that newbies buy and sell later when they come across more money and a better version.

Sad. :thumbsdown