Here's my blank version.
The fonts I used were (sometimes with a little tweaking)
Akzidenz Grotesk for the name
Alternate Gothic No 2 for Level 7 and Agent
Pf Handbook Pro for the dates
Verdana for the card number

That's awesome, man - thanks!! The two of you really did a great job on these IDs. I've got a friend who wants to do a series of short fan films about Hawkeye and Black Widow set pre Avengers with us and as I said we're planning on heading to DragonCon (a first time so I'm pretty excited) this year as well and plan to wear these with our costumes. Should be really awesome. If these film shorts get done, I'll make sure he gives you guys a shout out for the IDs in the credits. He wants to start them this summer, and we're going to be shooting them around the DC area.
hi guys, awesome thread, this is what I made, I added a little posterized effect just for this picture
Beautiful work. I need to start working on my outfit for dragon con. Pardon my ignorance but how do you fill in the blank card?
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Beautiful work. I need to start working on my outfit for dragon con. Pardon my ignorance but how do you fill in the blank card?

You can use Photoshop and even paint.. what you really just need to do is put in a picture of yourself and fill in the blanks for the text and pose both items correctly
Paint is pretty limited with what you can do. I did the two in my post higher up for Black Widow and Hawkeye in Paint and they turned out ok, but I think Photoshop would do a much better job. If I can teach myself how to use it.
This is awesome!
Anyone have any idea what the Avengers might have? Any special papers for Iron Man, Cap, Bruce, even Thor? I know it wouldn't be a probability but it would be interesting to see ideas and stuff. I'll see if I can come up with something! :)
A little of topic, for the people using Paint. If you want something better than Paint but can't afford Photoshop, Gimp is pretty good. With the right plugins and stuff it could be the next best thing. (Plus its free ;) )
Just a suggestion.
Coulson's badge in the Avengers appears gold instead of red. I'm trying to make a pair for my wife and I to wear at DragonCon. I was able to borrow a copy of Corel and came up with this 1st draft.

That's awesome! I like the gold. I did the ones for Hawkeye and BW with my and my girlfriend's pics on them for DragonCon as well. She also has put together BW's "street clothes" look (black jacket, red tank top and jeans from teh helicarrier deck scene) and I have Hawkeye's SHIELD uniform (black vest, tac pants) as well in addition to our "Avengers" costumes which are works in progress. Anyway, we plan to wear the non-Avengers style costumes one of the days and are going to be wearing our ID badges as well. It would be awesome if we could get a group pic with all of us and our SHIELD ID badges.
Thanks. Trying to get a better handle on the color from the screen cap. It looks to be darker than what I have so far. Now I just need to find a way to print the plastic cards. Look forward to seeing you at D*C, hoplite.
Fantastic work WinstonWolf359!
I gave Coulson's ID from Iron Man a try:

Does anyone have a nice, good quality of just this version of the SHIELD logo that DavyO used for this card? The one in post #34 on p.2?

I want to make a few more things and really like this version, but can't seem to find a good clear pic anywhere so any help would be appreciated.

Thanks. And yes, I am that technologically impaired that I couldn't figure out how to post his pics in this post... :facepalm
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