Sept '08 Bug List...


Sr Member
Post 'em here! Anyone find bugs?

Also, the Jedi Knights theme was removed pending new and improved themes.

Some images are missing/wrong in the Star Wars theme...

-missing icons/graphics in profile view --- (fixed) as far as I know, anyway.
-old emoticons (pending)
-old PMs displaying as new (pending)
-BB code alignment issues --- (fixed) resave your signature to update the database
-themes/skins reverting to default --- (fixed) manually select your theme, don't use the quick drop down.
-unable to upload signature images.
-image text verification not working --- (fixed) now using "question and answer" system.

-brown/new theme to replace Jedi Knights theme
-"Your Notifications" drop down is annoying.
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I haven't found any bugs yet. In fact the whole page seems loads much faster. I use the default theme so I can't comment on the others. Nice work. Thanks!:thumbsup
All I have found have been missing icons within the user profiles star wars theme only.
Other than that, Fast and Smooth (y)thumbsup
I went to my User CP and a PM from July is listed as a new PM. It isn't new, I've read it before. Also, the center commands are showing on my sig.
I posted this in the thread in off-topic, but then I saw we're supposed to post it here. *heh*

ACK!!! My skin just changed... now I have to go figure out how to change it back...

Does being bugged by change count? :lol

Edit, okay, so there is one. My signature links that I had centered aren't being centered and have the HTML stuff in them...

Looks like when I switched to the default skin (in user CP under edit details all the way at the bottom, in case anyone else is looking for it) my sig problem got fixed. So if nobody touched it, that seems to be just an old star wars skin issue.

I have another one... when I left the site and then came back, the change to default skin had changed back to the Star Wars one and I had to fix it again.
When i log in the forum automatically comes up in the SW theme which i don't like but at the bottom it says default and i have to switch it to SW and then back to default in order to get the default theme.
Was removing Jedi Knights scheme unavoidable or just a choice? Cuz the dark schemes that are left are hard on my eyes.
I agree, but the default one isn't bad. It's got a white background and light blue and gray highlights.
...missing icons within the user profiles star wars theme only.
OK, will try to plug those in temporarily. But yes, we also upgraded backend server processes so things should be running quicker! :thumbsup

...PM from July is listed as a new PM. It isn't commands are showing on my sig.
Let me know if you get any more "new" PMs that aren't new. I'm looking into the "Center" thing.

...change to default skin
Crap. That's a big problem. Will look into why. Also your "center" problem too.

...switch it to SW and then back to default in order to get the default theme.
Maybe we should put which theme should be default up to vote... I know people don't like change, so that's why we put the dark SW one as default before.

The Jedi Theme had a bit of class.
Did you like the theme/graphics or just the colors? I'm going to try to cobble up a new brown-based theme ASAP for you guys as a temporary holder.

Jedi Knight theme was nuked because it's an entirely detached theme, meaning any changes to the default (white) theme is not carried over. Since we're going to get a bunch of new themes that are based on the default theme, I figured we could just nuke it. Also, a bunch of templates were missing from that one so it was going to be some work getting it up to speed. Basically, it was less trouble making a new theme than fixing that old one. Sorry guys who were using that, but there will be a placeholder brown theme shortly!
Smilies bug test. I don't have them all (not on my home computer) but I'll replace the rest later.

Messed up faces:
Did you like the theme/graphics or just the colors? I'm going to try to cobble up a new brown-based theme ASAP for you guys as a temporary holder.

Was just mainly the colours for me, i find the contrast of white text on a black background harsh on eye.
But the design was also more interesting than the default blue and white theme.
Something other than SW related would be nice for a change though.
How about a neutral theme and have a submissions thread somewhere where all the photoshop jockeys could submit their movie related banners and change the banner every so often ?
Something other than SW related would be nice for a change though.
How about a neutral theme and have a submissions thread somewhere where all the photoshop jockeys could submit their movie related banners and change the banner every so often ?
Agreed. I was thinky Indy for a brown theme... that seems to make sense. I'll get cracking on a basic skeleton theme, then drop in graphics later when we all decide on a theme.
I've been having problems posting, if I use the "post reply" option or try to send a PM I get an error message saying the message I entered is too short and to try adding atleast 1 characters.
I've been having problems posting, if I use the "post reply" option or try to send a PM I get an error message saying the message I entered is too short and to try adding atleast 1 characters.

What's inside your reply? If you just quote a message, it wont take it... if you're typing at least 1 character, then there's a problem. Is anyone else experiencing this?