Sr Member
Post 'em here! Anyone find bugs?
Also, the Jedi Knights theme was removed pending new and improved themes.
Some images are missing/wrong in the Star Wars theme...
-missing icons/graphics in profile view --- (fixed) as far as I know, anyway.
-old emoticons (pending)
-old PMs displaying as new (pending)
-BB code alignment issues --- (fixed) resave your signature to update the database
-themes/skins reverting to default --- (fixed) manually select your theme, don't use the quick drop down.
-unable to upload signature images.
-image text verification not working --- (fixed) now using "question and answer" system.
-brown/new theme to replace Jedi Knights theme
-"Your Notifications" drop down is annoying.
Also, the Jedi Knights theme was removed pending new and improved themes.
Some images are missing/wrong in the Star Wars theme...
-missing icons/graphics in profile view --- (fixed) as far as I know, anyway.
-old emoticons (pending)
-old PMs displaying as new (pending)
-BB code alignment issues --- (fixed) resave your signature to update the database
-themes/skins reverting to default --- (fixed) manually select your theme, don't use the quick drop down.
-unable to upload signature images.
-image text verification not working --- (fixed) now using "question and answer" system.
-brown/new theme to replace Jedi Knights theme
-"Your Notifications" drop down is annoying.
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