Screen accurate T-1000 costume


Sr Member
I have started to look into reproducing this costume and needed some help.
Is this the shirt?

I can't for sure what colors the buttons are. Sometimes they seem black other times they look silver. Speaking of colors, are the shirt/pants navy or black? In the hallway shootout near the start it's well lit and looks navy.

The belt. I think I see two pouches for clips, a radio, pouch for handcuffs
and his firearm and holster. Any ID on the radio?

The badge seems pretty straight forward. It says Police Officer at the top but I can't make out the numbers on the bottom. How does the real thing attach? I have seen on some screen used shirts there are two small holes
where the badge should be.

Nametag says "Austin" and there is a black pen next to his badge as well. I am also looking for suppliers for all this stuff also.

I will worry about the chrome bullet hits later.
He wears three different costumes throughout the movie. Regular cop, motorcycle cop, stripped down motorcycle cop. Which costume are you going for? Also, don't expect any help. I searched for info for these same things a few months ago and basically had to hunt down as much info myself.

Not sure what point in the movie the first picture is from, but it is showing the regular police shirt he's wearing. The second picture is at the steel mill, where he's wearing the motorcycle pants and boots and no accessories.

If you are going for the Galleria outfit, then it's the shirt, white t-shirt, long pants and shoes. Regular LAPD - but different from the real stuff, as there aren't the folds on the two front pockets.

I never found an ID on the radio, but it's a square one and not similar to the smaller, more rounded modern day radios. Below are the best images I could get from the DVD. I asked for HD pictures, but got nothing. Hope you have more luck.

The buttons down the front of the shirt are black - the ones at the chest pockets and shoulder ribbons are silver with a star symbol on them, just like the real LAPD uniforms.


Never could find good reference on the shoes he wears at the beginning.

Here's a link to the shirt:
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I was interested in going for the look at the start of the film so that link you posted is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. It even has the holes I mentioned. Were you ever able to find the belt? There is a good shot of the shoes near the beginning but I don't have access to screen cap it right now.

Any particular details about the pants you know about?
Well, basically... they went as close to a '91 style LAPD cop, so I think you'd be able to find most of the info on the sites that sell LAPD uniforms. The belt should be the double clasp belt - iirc, also found on that site.

The pants are like the picture I showed above, with the vertical side pockets - I believe I perhaps posted the wrong kind with the wide belt straps, you may want to go with the narrow. Find them on the site and you'll have all the info you need. The later horizontally curved pockets are the motorcycle pants that have a ribbon down the sides.

The uniform looks rather black in the movie, but I think it's navy.
Perfect. A quick search for badges and I found this. Any idea if this site is legit? The badges look dead on.

I live in NC too. Good luck wearing that and not getting arrested!

My department uses LAPD style badges. They attach like this.

Also, the two holes. I ignore the top eyelet and pin my badge through the very top of the fabric strip and out the bottom eyelet. This keeps the
bottom of the badge from touching the top of your pocket.

As so:

Back of the badge, I got smudgy fingerprints all over it getting it ready for the pic. It's usually not dirty even on the back:
I'm gonna wear it for Halloween and have a bright orange airsoft on my hip. The Greensboro police are pretty cool I'm not worried about any hassle. Their uniforms are
really different anyway.

Good find on the badge! We do need one that says Police Officer with the number 572
I'm all for it. I think this is going to be awesome. Plus , you don't have to have the orange tip. Wear the real thing on your hip brother! One of the great things about being in NC! Ha ha ha.

All joking a side, just a little costume advice. I still wouldn't stop at the gas station on your way to the party in that thing. No matter how cool they are, it's still against the law (NCGS 14-277a2)and for your own safety (some people don't like cops). Greensboro PD is a BIG department and not every officer is going to be cool with it. I was in court a couple of months ago and a guy was arrested for impersonating an officer because he was driving a crown vic that he had put a license plate on the front with a badge on it and he had made it up to look like an unmarked. I was thinking, there is no way that will stick, but he was found guilty.

So have fun but be smart, which I'm sure you will be. Take pics!

I also found this place that might be able to help you get the badge you're looking for.
Ne number isn't right but it looks better than the last site I referred you to.

Lastly, if your willing to order 10, there is a source in europe that will do custom LAPD badge numbers. 10 badges gets expensive.
That's great advice! I'm prolly gonna stick to parties anyway. With all the chrome on my chest I'm hoping it will be obvious I'm not GPD.

Do you have any idea on the other stuff on his belt?
I didn't think about the chrome.
He travels light. No baton,OC spray, tazer, etc. Then again it was 1991.

Doesn't look like he has patent leather gear on, seems to be just "plain leather" finish.

best I can tell it goes a little something like this:

Make sure you select "plain" as your finish.
Cuff pouch
Double mag puch
Holster for Baretta 92fs Make sure you get a lefty he is left handed.
This holster is more accurate, I think. This one is the leather finish. The first one is this plastic like finish. Be sure to get plain leather, not basketweave.
Duty Belt. Make sure you select silver.
Belt keepers, you'll need 4 probably.
Radio case

The gun
Ah, I was wondering what those parts with the silver buttons on the belt were. Thanks.

Some picture of the belt. I haven't been able to ID the radio or case.
And he's waring the rounder cuff case, not the egg shaped as linked to.
Wow a couple hours later and this thing is all but nailed. Just checked the film again and there is a great shot of the shoes when the T1000 is standing in the street and the little piece of metal goes into his foot. Like I said I can't cap it right now but that's the best look.

Fetts.Sobriquet is there a standard issue shoe? It's certainly not a boot like I see nowadays. It was some stitching on the side.
Just checked the film again and there is a great shot of the shoes when the T1000 is standing in the street and the little piece of metal goes into his foot.
Great. I'll have a look. I kept checking the beginning when the cop went to investigate the electrical disturbance and then when the T1000 walked back to the car + when he approached the Todd & Janelle residence. Never a clear shot. Gonna go check that scene out so I can continue with my sculpt, even though I hate the fact all my sculpts are cracking! :cry

And we still lack an ID on the radio he's wearing.