rubies mods (update)

Darth Domain

Well-Known Member
Fianlly got the courage to do my rubies mods, cheers to the guys for all advice/info, especially Darth Kant, here's the first couple of pics (sorry about poor quality:
Sanding the dome

Taken the mask apart:

Couple of new pics
Cooking vader to reduce neck flare

Neck flare much less than was there before, took several attempts

Filed and sanded the nose ridges, first nose ridge still to be filled, mask sanded also

update to follow :thumbsup

Its been a while so heres the latest pics, As you can see, i've cut out the eyes with the rotary tool, i've filed them down but have not completed that yet as i'm still waiting for the lenses so i can do the filling in the gaps. You will notice the extra nose ridge has been filled (double click on pic to enlarge)

You can see from the pic below that i have filed flat the mouth grill, took a lot of filing/sanding

In this shot i'm showing the grill/ mesh that i used, i have also sprayed the diamond mesh black, hot glued the smaller mesh to the back of it and have temporarily installed it to show how it looks

In this last pic you can see the dome, it has had numerous coats of gloss black, been sanded, this is now drying for a couple of weeks to enable me to do top clear coat

Next pics will be painting of face, thanks for looking
Originally posted by Darth Domain@Jan 21 2006, 07:42 PM
Fianlly got the courage to do my rubies mods, cheers to the guys for all advice/info, especially Darth Kahnt, here's the first couple of pics (sorry about poor quality:

Happy to help Mark. Please keep us posted on your progress.
thanks for the cheers and the thumbs up...ive been working pretty hard on it...ive got everything sanded down and primed now but havnt got a chance to update the site...i should have more pictures up today sometime
Originally posted by fettster@Feb 6 2006, 09:56 AM
im at that stage with mine.

your progress gives me hope

The key is to take your time. It''s not hard to do, I did mine and it was my first project and overall I am thrilled with the way it turned out. There are lots of people on the RPF who have doen Rubies mods and look fabulous.
Originally posted by fettster@Feb 6 2006, 01:56 PM
im at that stage with mine.

your progress gives me hope
The progress and results of the other guys on the forum gave me hope. lots of advice tips etc. Have you got any pics of yours (cheers for comments Darth Kan't)
Been a while but i will hopefully get another couple of pics up tonight or tomorrow. The helmet is still waiting for clearcoat
The mask has had its final primer andsanding and i will be putting the first few coats of gunmetal on tonight. I have filled the eye sockets for the new lenses. I covered the lenses in masking tape so you could still see the shape of the lenses then sellotaped them in place inside the mask. They were held in place good and solid, then i could see where all the gaps were at the front where it needed filling. I then filled, let the filler harden for an hour then pulled the lenses away gently thus leaving a perfectly flush fit for the new lenses. Just needed gentle filing then to flatten the filler.
The helmet will be clearcoated the weekend
Ok, here we go, in the first pic i had taped the lenses up and placed them in the back of the helmet to eneable me to fill the eye sockets more flush. You can see where i have put the arrows, i filled in around the lenses while they were held in place fron behind with tape Just double click on image to enlarge

In the next pic, a bit of light filing and sanding later, the lenses fitted perfect without having to re fill and sand again etc

The next pics show the mask with gunmetal applied (at last)

Thanks for looking, next post will be helmet clearcoated, and starting the black sections on the mask :thumbsup