Master Member
Cheers for the info lee! Wow, I also thought the ESB had much more kit parts.
I really like to scratch, so I may make some of the parts myself. Could you guys help me id these parts?
Im also wondering about the small triangular piece at the back (at the top, between the large boxes) and the two small "wheels" at the back side corners (at the side of the maxi brute parts).
1 : 1/35 Tamiya M16 + 1/48 Bandai Panther (jagdpanther also works)
2 : 1/35 Tamiya Matilda, it's far but I think the small dish/dome was from the Hasegawa Leopold
3 : 1/35 Tamiya 222
4 : 1/35 Tamiya Matilda + another part, cant remember which
5 : 1/12 F1 with FDV engine
The small triangular part is from the 1/35 Tamiya T-34, SU-85, SU-100, SU-122 (use the one you want)
And the wheels are from the Tamiya Lang
You may want to check my building thread because several parts are ID'ed, I think I even posted a kitlist (which should be partial because some more parts were found after).