ROTJ AT-ST, Scratched head, Hasbro chassis

Cheers for the info lee! Wow, I also thought the ESB had much more kit parts.

I really like to scratch, so I may make some of the parts myself. Could you guys help me id these parts?



Im also wondering about the small triangular piece at the back (at the top, between the large boxes) and the two small "wheels" at the back side corners (at the side of the maxi brute parts).

1 : 1/35 Tamiya M16 + 1/48 Bandai Panther (jagdpanther also works)
2 : 1/35 Tamiya Matilda, it's far but I think the small dish/dome was from the Hasegawa Leopold
3 : 1/35 Tamiya 222
4 : 1/35 Tamiya Matilda + another part, cant remember which
5 : 1/12 F1 with FDV engine

The small triangular part is from the 1/35 Tamiya T-34, SU-85, SU-100, SU-122 (use the one you want)
And the wheels are from the Tamiya Lang

You may want to check my building thread because several parts are ID'ed, I think I even posted a kitlist (which should be partial because some more parts were found after).
So, when are the plans to do a small armature run going to happen, its WAY past due for this one huh lol?

Oh and Julien, its a Ford DFV engine smarty pants :lol, i tried to reply to this Q from Naz, but then thought, ah, Julien will know all these off the cuff :lol.

Thanks for the replies guys! Very helpful! :cheers

Lee, theres definately a need for an armature run.
Damn skippy Naz lol. Julien, been meaning to ask, did you guys ever nail the correct tyre for the neck boot on this prop, i recall what was on offer at the time, wasnt quite right?

LOL, it IS looking like Batman!:lol

Got some work done on the ST. The side gun bases are glued. Just some details left.

Did the small sidegun. Its made of 15 parts. I wanted it removable like the original, and to be moveable in a good way for stop motion, easy to move but not flimsy.


And here is a test fit (I want to make some details before gluing the inner part to the head):


Hey, I have an extra set of the porsche parts for the back. If anyone have any kit parts I need, and want to trade let me know. I dont mind if its castings of the parts. :thumbsup

Got the mount finished:


And here I had a little Hamlet moment on the yard. ;)
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still wondering what method would you use to build the other side gun,hope to see ya scratch build it n use your built as ref of the other side gun,cause honestly Ive been wondering the gun is from which kit part...keep on the great work:thumbsup
still wondering what method would you use to build the other side gun,hope to see ya scratch build it n use your built as ref of the other side gun,cause honestly Ive been wondering the gun is from which kit part...keep on the great work:thumbsup

The left gun was made from several kitparts, brass tubing etc then it was cast in resin.
still wondering what method would you use to build the other side gun,hope to see ya scratch build it n use your built as ref of the other side gun,cause honestly Ive been wondering the gun is from which kit part...keep on the great work:thumbsup

There is great pics in Juliens build up thread. I dont think I will get mine anywhere near that good. I plan to scratch the things that would look ok, and buy kit parts that wouldnt. I dont plan to cast it.

Ive ordered some kits, but would like to start with the top while waiting. It would be awesome if you guys could give me the diameter width of the hatch. That way I can do the styrene stuff.

Is the hatch from this?
Side details are done. Tried to get that quickly made look of the original. They are positioned different on the left and right side also, the left being closer to the edge.




(Star Wars The Exhibition Madrid - AT-ST - a set on Flickr)

Im waiting for parts, one e-bay seller shipped the wrong stuff, so itll take some time before I can continue with the chin gun.

Did you have the M16 part for measure Julien?
Ok, so here is some stuff for those planning to mod their Hasbro ST. Its really fun to work with this.

I filled the feet and made mounting holes. I will fixate the position, so it will be steady for the head. The head will be easily removable, and easy to rework for another chassis when I manage to build one.

Then I removed the small plates in the first leg joint. It was kind of tricky so go slow with this part as its easy to screw up. If you do, you will have to buy a new one.

I got the plates loose, cleaned up the joint, and strenghten the inside with CA-glue and baking soda. After that I glued some plastic tubes in the right diameter. Finally I added some wheels from a tank kit that looks pretty close to the original ST. I the started to add styrene and metal details to try to make it more like the original model. I am really impressed with the detailing of the legs made by Hasbro. Someone must have alot of love for SW there. Alot is not bad at all. There are alot of gaps from the construction that needs to be filled.




Now I have a lot of gaps to fill between the old and new parts to do. Cheers

Well the legs are about done.


Got the size of the hatch from another member, so now I can start working on the top details.