Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS-FINISHED with VIDEO!!!

Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

Not at all, it's quite interesting.

How many LEDs are you going to run off those batteries?


Altogeher there are 10 LEDs- 3 main ultrabright white LEDs to light the windows and sensor ports in the hull and 7 on a separate circuit tied into the hangar bay switch. The number of LEDs was one thing that caused me to alter my original wiring scheme.
Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

Sick of it hell, loving it!

Through the last post I was hoping you weren't going to leave the hangar empty. Glad to know that it's coming. Will there be room to activate the lights with it in there?

There will be enough room to push the switch with the scout ship in the bay; however, I plan to make the scout ship removeable by using magnets. That's the plan anyway.
Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

This is a very cool build. I love seeing small details on models like this. It shows the person has a passion for the project to go through so much work.
Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

Okay, one more post and I'm calling it a night...

The wiring scheme started out this way with a battery box wired to a pushbutton switch activated by a piston inside the disposal chute with leads wired to the 3 main window illuminating LEDs then tied into a rheostat switch that turned with the disposal chute allowing me to activate the warp engines and plasma torp emitter separately. Whew! That was a long sentence to get out.
Finally, the green hangar bay light would be on a separate circuit off the main branch.
Here's a pic of that setup:





I soon discovered to my chagrin that, although the batteries had enough capacity to power the 3 main LEDs, the moment I activated the hangar bay light the power draw was just too much for my button batteries and all LEDs quickly dimmed. I also was disappointed to find that my rheostat switch didn't work at all- no matter which way I turned it all the ights lit up that were tied into those leads. So I was faced with the prospect of having to abandon my internal battery idea when one of the members over on HobbyTalk gave me the idea of installing an STDP slide switch and DC power jack so I could still use the internals for a limited time with the windows lit and switch to a separate circuit wired to an external power source to power all the LEDs for extended periods. After doing a few tests with an external battery box, size K plug and jack, and a slide switch I just happened to have in my electronic parts box, I determined it would work! This of course meant revamping my whole wiring scheme whcih took me about 4-5 hours to complete. It didn't help that I'd glued many of the wires in place with CA!
Ditching the disposal chute and pushbutton switch were not as painful as one might think since the rheostat switch didn't work and the slide switch basically took the place of the main pushbutton switch.

Here's what I came up with. My wiring expert over on HobbyTalk said this has a very organic look to it and I can definitely see the resemblance to intestines. Perfect for a bird-of-prey he said LOL:



This new setup works perfectly! Now I have the best of both worls! The slide switch will be covered by a hatch which will either be hinged or removeable. There will be a matching faux hatch on the other side of the chute.

I also rewired the plasma emitter since the red LED I had installed previously just didn't glow bright enough:

Acrylic light tubes run from the central white LED to the box containing an ultrabright white LED which works off the pushbutton switch in the hangar bay:

The light tubes illuminate the two smaller lights on either side of the main emitter. These function as plasma additive injectors in the Romulan universe.

Here's a before pic with the red LED...

Not very bright right?

Here's a pic with the white LED:

Much better IMO.

The last thing I did was to install a small 1.5mm white LED into the floor of the hangar bay to give it more illumination. Here is how it looked after I filed the tip of the LED flat and installed it. It operates on the same circuit as the green LED in the front wall:


Really bright huh? In fact, it was too bright! It totally washed out the glow from the green LED so... I made a modification to dim the brightness. I painted the LED with fluorescent white acrylic paint then I cut a small piece of fine mesh photo-etch screen and glued it to the top of the LED with Krystal Klear. I made a collar out of a set of rocket nozzles I got from the Starshio Modeler store years ago and drilled it out to fit around the circumference and... Presto! I now have a tractor beam emitter!



The last thing I did last night was to putty the tailfin which I had glued to the hull with Gorilla Super glue:

There! Now you are all up to date on my current project!

And, in case anyone was wondering, there's plenty of light from the 3 LEDs to illuminate the windows.
Here's a test pic with the lower hull in place, the light really bounces around off the gloss white interior of the lower hull:

Next up...

Cleanup and priming of the upper hull then I start installing the acrylic rod in the windows and sensor ports. Yellow acrylic for the round sensors and clear for the square windows. The yellow glows green when lit which looks pretty awesome IIDSSM!

Thanks for reading along!
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Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

And, in case anyone was wondering, there's plenty of light from the 3 LEDs to illuminate the windows.
I can see that. It's looking very good.

Yellow acrylic for the round sensors and clear for the square windows. The yellow glows green when lit which looks pretty awesome IIDSSM!
Do I understand correctly that all the round "portals" are sensors and not windows? I didn't know that, but I'm looking forward to seeing it with the colored rods in place.

Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

"A subscription for this thread has been added." :p

This is a wonderful build diary. It's great to watch a guy who has both terrific skills and a love of his subject. And it's fun to see how you're adapting to problems and setbacks along the way.

Thanks for sharing your work with us. I'm looking forward to the next installment! :love
Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

I can see that. It's looking very good.

Do I understand correctly that all the round "portals" are sensors and not windows? I didn't know that, but I'm looking forward to seeing it with the colored rods in place.


Actually I borrowed the sensor port idea from a fan based blueprint. This one in fact:

It just makes sense to me, especially with all those round ports on the vertical and slanted sides of the cupola; I just wouldn't see the need for all of those to be windows whereas a cloaked ship may need a lot of sensors to see thru its own cloak. That's my thinking anyway.
Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

"A subscription for this thread has been added." :p

This is a wonderful build diary. It's great to watch a guy who has both terrific skills and a love of his subject. And it's fun to see how you're adapting to problems and setbacks along the way.

Thanks for sharing your work with us. I'm looking forward to the next installment! :love

Thanks! I'm flattered that you've subscribed to my thread. I respect the talents of all my fellow modellers so it means a lot to me.
BTW, If you want to see more pictures of this build you can go to my photobucket album here:
Romulan Bird of Prey pictures by Trekriffic - Photobucket
I have 141 images in this folder so far.
Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

Actually I borrowed the sensor port idea from a fan based blueprint. It just makes sense to me, especially with all those round ports on the vertical and slanted sides of the cupola; I just wouldn't see the need for all of those to be windows whereas a cloaked ship may need a lot of sensors to see thru its own cloak. That's my thinking anyway.
That makes sense. Thanks for the image of the blueprint.

I'm looking forward to your next installment.

Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

That makes sense. Thanks for the image of the blueprint.

I'm looking forward to your next installment.


Speaking of blueprints here's the one I used as inspiration for constructing the hangar bay:

As you can see I included the rollup doors to the maintenance shop, the entry doors in the front wall, and the air pressurization vents along the wall shared with the air tanks. Made my job a little easier designing the bay.
Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

Here are some pics of the assembly I made of the fiber spotlights for the hangar bay:

I used a short piece of clear sprue and drilled a small hole in the center. Then I glued in the fiber optic bundles with 5-minute epoxy.
The plug fits into the shroud surrounding the cental whte LED.

Here are some lit pics with the plug in place:




Here are some preliminary sketches of the scout ship I call a Peregrine:



The model will be about 3/8" wide (with wings folded), 3/4" long, and 3/8" tall when finished. I wanted a birdlike look in this concept. It may be a little too complex looking though when compared to the design of the mother ship.

Comments/suggestions welcome.:cool
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Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

I'd say go for the design as is (I think it's great!). If you keep the surface clean like other TOS ships, it'll fit right in. To be honest, the only reason something like this wouldn't be in the original show would be budget terms of design, I could see this fitting in quite nicely with Jefferies' original shuttle craft concept before it was rejected for the more economical design the producers wound up with.
Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

Thanks glorbes but I've come up with an alternative design and posted it over in my Romulan Peregrine thread.
What do you think of this? I think it's definitely more Romulan:

Re: Romulan Bird-Of-Prey from TOS

Updates from last week:

Finished up all the acrylic rods in the windows and sensor ports. The square windows were filled wiht clear round rod then 3-4 drops of CA followed by 1-2 drops of Future.

The round sensor ports use yellowish rods that glow greenish. They were press fit into the openings to window rim depth and glued with CA from behind:

Inside upper hull.

The multifaceted silver button in the center under the central LED splits the light up over the entire interior like a mirror ball. First time I'd ever tried using a button from the craft store for that:

Lit up inside:


Outside lit up:



Will mask windows with Tamiya tape using a nail set to punch out tape for the round ports.
Then I'll hit her with another undercoat of silver Tamiya lacquer.
The exterior is still primarily steel although I've done some more sanding on it.
I'm sure there'll be more sanding once I've glued the upper and lower hulls together this weekend...


Next up...

Installiing magnets under the hangar bay floor and the fiber optic spotlights. Then I start working on attaching the lower halves of the warp nacelles to the wingtips on the lower hull.
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