
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #34

This is a fantastic piece!!! absolutely love it.....just needs to eat more and then perfect!
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #34

Now that is beatiful harness. Just from the little I can see of your sewing and leather work I have much to aspire to. The deatil work you have done to the engines.......oh........ I must bow to your work sir!
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:VIDEO ADDED

I finished up the electronics for the rocketpack.

The engines and fan are ported into the board. When you depress/hold either of the buttons on the gauntlets the fan turns on...and then the engine lights fire. When you let go of the button...the lights/engines power down and the fan slowly winds down and stops spinning.

The fan and lights are sunk to the audio that I pulled from the movie.

The lights are the amber lights found in traffic lights. When running at 100% they are pretty roast your eyes out. The vids were shot at about 25% power...the pack really rumbles when you crank it to 11.

The heavy lifting is pretty much finished for this part of the project. I just need to find an appropriate transformer to run the pack and the lights in the display base.

Shame of it is all this work and it still doesnt fly.

Thanks for looking and have a great weekend.


Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:ENGINE VIDEO ADDED

Thanks Clinton

So many little time.
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:ENGINE VIDEO ADDED

Man, you're killing me with envy here :lol That lighting effect is awesome. :thumbsup
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:ENGINE VIDEO ADDED

Thanks guys...

Just molding up a set of hands...none of the mannequin parts are really doing it for me.

Nothing fancy...they are going to be covered in 2 sets of gloves so simple pull in foam with wire armatures....but it should be better than the fiberglass and articulated wooden ones that I have been using to date.
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:ENGINE VIDEO ADDED

After LONG last this project can be scratched off the list…finished…phew.

The pack stripped and properly nickel plated…the electronics finished…mannequin doesn't bend over backwards with the weight of the metal pack any more.

I think I have actually made 3 rocketeer displays based on the number of times I redid things…live and learn I guess.

The gauntlet buttons work…turning on the engines and the fan. The sounds were pulled from the movie for the power up and power down sequence…the running sound is just a rocket engine wav file that I found on the net.

Thanks for looking.


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I've been on the fence about whether or not to go through with collecting a Rocketeer costume...after seeing yours on that beautiful stand I've decided to do the same :)
That is amazing congratulations! The flicker effect and amped sound really sells the illusion. Also is the lower buckle your using on the harness original?
That is amazing congratulations! The flicker effect and amped sound really sells the illusion. Also is the lower buckle your using on the harness original?

Hi van dean

yes...both the upper and lower buckles are the real deal.

took me YEARS to track them a good treasure hunt.

How much did they run you? I've seen a few that were a little out of my current price range. I'm thinking about settling with a parachute buckle.
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