
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display

Great display.....cant wait to see the final pose........I been working on a better 1:1 display, but havent had the time to work on it......I need a better mannequin.....

looks like a predicta jacket.........where did you get the boots and the harness?

if you dont mind me asking....
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display

Hi evil,

Yes..the jacket is a predicta jacket.

I had Dehner make the boots and I made the harness.

The boots came first which gave me a color ref. to try and match the leather to. I wanted things to be in the same approx. Color family without having to custom dye anything.
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display

The whole project is def. not for the faint of heart. When the expenses start getting out of control it gets put in the corner for another day. I have been picking away at this thing for years...literally. Less painful that way. If only I could cut out eating...or buying gas...all the money in the world

Gosh, I feel your pain......which is one of the reasons why I kept on post-poning finishing off an accurate costume.......i spent the past few years focusing on the collection, now i have shifted my interest into finishing off the costume.......

The harness looks great. I would love to see more pictures of the harness.....I think one of the hardest parts to the costume is the harness.......not sure if i am willing to tackle it myself or have some-one else build it for me....

Also, congrats on the predicta jacket.....nothing comes close to it's far the best jacket made....
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display

Thanks Jerry.

...forgot I left the thing in the middle of the shop when I left last night and scared the crap out of myself this morning before turning on the lights.


One heart attack coming right up....
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display

I finished sewing on the harness straps and buckles and attached it to the rocketpack today. It was nice to see the two parts finally coming together.

I did a test fit on the mannequin.

After putting on the pack I worked up the nerve to let go and walk away. Luckily all of the internal reinforcing on the mannequin seems to work and it stood on its own nicely. That said...the thought of it falling over makes me wonder if I should try to incorporate crash matts and pillows all around the base.

By the looks of things I need to beef up his torso a and around the midsection. I had to shank the harness up tight in this area and it draws the jacket in a bit too much for my liking. The bib hides some of it...but it still looks a bit thin.

On to the arms...
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Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #26

All kinds of awesome going on in those pics! May I ask how you attached the harness to the pack?
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #26

i think the biggest question i have is what kind of mannequin are you using? and how is it standing up?

I been searching for a mannequin that can stand up without using a foot bar that runs through the leg/foot or the bar that holds onto the thigh.....
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #26

All kinds of awesome going on in those pics! May I ask how you attached the harness to the pack?

Thanks for the compliments. Its great to see the light at the end of the tunnel on this one.

I machined out a small aluminum bracket that lives on the inside of the harness. 1/4-20 bolts go throught the plate, the leather, and then into the jetpack in 4 locations. I put big rubber pads and then metal washers on the inside of the pack in an effort to distribute the load a bit...since the body of the pack is resin.

You can see the velcro all around the inside of the harness. This allows for the removal of the backing leather part of the harness so that you can get at the aluminum plate easily.

The all together shot is included in the first image of yesterdays posts.

Hope that helps.

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Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #26

i think the biggest question i have is what kind of mannequin are you using? and how is it standing up?

I been searching for a mannequin that can stand up without using a foot bar that runs through the leg/foot or the bar that holds onto the thigh.....

Hey Evil,

The mannequin I used is this one...

Do a google search for poseable male mannequin and it comes up.

Not sure if it is proper form to list ebay auctions or web stores in the forum...but email me if you cant find it.

I found it on ebay for just under $300. before shipping...and the seller seems to have a ton of them in stock.

One thing to note.

It already has room for a rod to go up into the shin via the bottom of the foot...but the supplied rod is really short.

I drilled/cut things out so that rods could go from the base all the way up through both legs and into the pelvis...where I attached them together at the top. Lots of fiberglass dust later...but it seems to be working.

One unfortunate thing you will have to do is drill holes into the bottoms of the boots to make all of this work.

The arms might be a complete right off on this mannequin...they articulate...but not into very interesting poses. Something to think about before buying I guess.
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #26

Looks great Jason! And yeah, Cliff needs to eat a bit more - you could just get some foam from fabricland to beef it up.

I'll have to pick your brain and skill when and if I ever finish my pack!
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #26

Looks great Jason! And yeah, Cliff needs to eat a bit more - you could just get some foam from fabricland to beef it up.

I'll have to pick your brain and skill when and if I ever finish my pack!

Thanks Ken

Between IM and the rocketeer your bench must look like mine...way too many unfinished projects. Sharpen your pick...and anytime.
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #34

Summer has been a bit busy...but found some time to put together my gauntlets.

They still need some more weathering on the leather, the brass, and def. the aluminum switch cover.

I found the trick was to find some leather the same"ish" color as the gloves so when you start tinting the colors things are in the same family.

Once everything was all sewn up I soaked it all in a tea/coffee mix. Anyone in the leather biz knows that is a big no no and when dry the leather was def. more "crispy"

I then used some asphalt aging glaze on the leather...and then rubbed in some mink oil to soften it and darkern it a bit more. Needs a bit more darkening but its getting there...

The switches are practical and turn on the electronics in the hopefully a vid should be coming more sooner than later.

Included is a 1:1 pdf of the template I used for cutting the aluminum which holds the button...and for the leather work for anyone interested.

Also included is the ref. pictures of from what I understand to be a screen used gauntlet.

A big shout out to Utinni for his insperational gauntlet making thread.

Have a great weekend.
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Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #34

I LOVE the jacket - looks to be the best color match to the original I've seen anywhere - where did you get it??
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #34

I LOVE the jacket - looks to be the best color match to the original I've seen anywhere - where did you get it??

it's a predicta far the most accurate rocketeer is worth every penny.....

i love it
Re: 1:1 Rocketeer display:New pics post #34


You are Fast evil...

:lol my rocketeer radar went off in my head

I love your 1:1 display.......especially the looks great....i think the harness is the only thing stumping me right now........

i'll force utinni into doing my gauntlets, but the harness on the other hand will be a pain.....

thanks for the info on the still searching around for one, so i can avoid drilling holes into the would make me cry haha
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