Robby The Robot


Sr Member
Anyone out there have any measurements for Robby the Robot? I would like to start from the ground up,feet legs ect. I have a 1:1 B9 robot from LIS and would like to some day add his older brother Robby! PM me with the info if you like or just post it here for all to enjoy!:)
Grabs a bag of popcorn and slowly pushes the refresh we... go... :lol
Is this just to be funny ? Did you search for other threads like this ?

I remember like a year ago if you started a thread with out doing a search everybody busted your balls for like 12 pages then your thread would get closed.

I think the drawing were posted somewhere if your serious, I thought everyone got a copy:rolleyes.
Refers to a license holder who defends his right to reproduce a certain robot that may not be mentioned, (but isn't B9, Johny5, terminator, or transformer)

All who tresspass upon this license holder's domain are threatened witha C/D. No one may reproduce a certain mechanical man, and we NEVER say his name aloud.