Riddle me this...


Active Member
*copy/paste job from GBFans.com*

February 22nd, 2009:

Since my Slime Blower got crushed by some random little kid....I started on a new project.

SORRY FANBOYS....no GB this time...




April 22nd, 2009

Hope I didnt keep you waiting.





Just need to find myself some purple dress shoes, ordered a awesome lookin mask from http://www.xtremedesignfx.com, need to make/buy some purple gloves, and I need to make his staff/cane


June 8th, 2009


Mask came in today.

Ordered it on April 1st.

It took forever and a day to make and ship, but it was worth the wait


June 18th, 2009



I still need to get some better pics of it, but the costume is done....for the most part.

Just need the right color gloves and shoes..and need to make the cane still
Looks fantastic! I have an obsession with the Riddler almost as much as he has with riddles :lol

I have been working on the costumes for the last three years. Currently I have the second incarnation of my comic Riddler (which is a combination of my fav parts of the various interpretations) finished and am currently working on a Jim Carrey version. Here are my attempts!

Here is my hat which as you can see has been made the exact same way as you!


This is the Mark I Comic Riddler with hand painted "?" marks


This is the only Mark II picture i have because the other pictures are being withheld from me until they are printed in a book come October :))). The main difference here is that i got my poor GF to hand cut out felt "?" marks and glue them on...i think there are about 40 o.o.


Mark III and Jim Carreys is on its way(this one is costing almost £500 or $900 :confused!

If you need any help or reference images then shoot me a PM.

Good luck!
Pinky :)
The answer is simple, but once you think of it, you have already lost.

If you have been to any cons, you know the answer to this.

Give up?

Well my friends...you all just lost THE GAME!