Rick Ross/Doppelganger Productions PKD II Kit Verification

I had a feeling there was some hidden meaning in there. Probably best he doesn't clarify it.

You got that right!

Honestly, I'd like to own a PKD... Even a resin one. But any of the "legit" (non-recast) versions are well out of my price range and I would never knowingly purchase a recast, even if I don't particularly agree with the arguments against recasting. At least the original prop was re-discovered and well documented, so I could at least take a shot at a DIY version, should I be inclined to do so.
You got that right!

Honestly, I'd like to own a PKD... Even a resin one. But any of the "legit" (non-recast) versions are well out of my price range and I would never knowingly purchase a recast, even if I don't particularly agree with the arguments against recasting. At least the original prop was re-discovered and well documented, so I could at least take a shot at a DIY version, should I be inclined to do so.

If you don't mind would you please clarify what you mean. Are you suggesting the kit i bought is a recast? That was the whole point of this thread, to get an opinion on whether this was a real RR kit. I'll know more when i get it but on the surface it appears to be real unless you have some info the rest of us don't.
If you don't mind would you please clarify what you mean. Are you suggesting the kit i bought is a recast? That was the whole point of this thread, to get an opinion on whether this was a real RR kit. I'll know more when i get it but on the surface it appears to be real unless you have some info the rest of us don't.

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. Apparently I'm completely off point, although some of this doesn't strike me as entirely on point. I'll just withdraw as I clearly have nothing further or relevant to offer.
I appreciate the clarification. As far as getting a good affordable original PKD kit or build-up, it's all a matter of the right timing. I waited a long time and luckily I saw that and had the extra coin to grab it up.
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I have talked with Rick many times about his feelings about his work being recast, and it is true he doesn't really like it, but he sees it in a very balanced perspective. He sells his stuff for a very fair price (his last runs at propsummit were all under $100 to members), and he always sells out of his runs. He also holds no hard feelings to those he that bought from recasters either. He has given a lot of Praise to KramStaar's work on the Australian recast of his PKD-2. He has also given permission to several people who have asked to recast his work for their own personal projects. If there are any issues you don't want to talk about in public please feel free to PM me about them.

I got the kit finally.

Begin Rant:
UPS sucks. :angry I personally always ship USPS because it's faster for about the same cost and stuff usually arrives in the shape it was sent. UPS has delivered a bunch of my stuff, personal and for work with damaged boxes and loose parts, not to mention it seems to take twice as long to arrive.
End Rant:

Anyway, aside from a damaged outside box, it was welled packed and the inner box was untouched. I must admit, having never held or seen in person a PKD of any kind, I was surprised of how small this gun is compared to how I envisioned it. That's not a bad thing though. I say small only because I always thought it was a really big gun to hold. At 1st I thought re-cast of Ricks work but I compared the measurements I read at Propsummit of several brands, Coyle, Wilco, Off-World, & Hartford and this one is pretty much dead on to those. The casting is flawless with the detail perfect. From the screw-heads to the Rick Ross 2000 & Doppelganger Productions on the bottom of the main assembly.

I'll post better pics later but I must admit, I originally wanted a PKD because I didn't have one, not because I found the design that great. However, after holding it, I really like this gun. Can't wait for it to warm up enough to start working on it. :cool
I loved building up rick's pieces, I have 3 of his designs, there what got me into blade runner, you'll have so much fun wiht the kit, and post progress picks!!!
When Rick's masters for his PKD-1 burned in a studio fire, he started somewhat fresh to make a "More Accurate" PKD-2. The PKD-1 is a magnum in comparison and much larger, almost exaggerated. Ironically it is how I think most of us envision the gun when we see it in the film. The PKD-2 is much closer to the actual gun in size and therefore close to size with Coyle and any of the other replicas based off of the stunt casts. Rick did however make a better sized grip.

I almost want to split the guns into two categories based on size. The larger guns being "Japanese style" because the first replicas made in Japan were huge, including the OZ Shop and AdVen, as well as later Copies the Comet Miniatures SSG and the Marco. The PKD-1 would fit into this category just barely.

The other Sect would be those based off of the "Stunt" casts, including early Richard Coyle, The Universal Armorer, and the now the offworld. The PKD-2 would fit into this catagory. Also anyone else who may have copied Coyle's guns, if only for size. It explains most of the smaller gripped versions, because according to Rich, the "Stunt" cast he was using for reference was likely disproportionate. These would be closer to the actual hero guns size from what we have figured out though.

So in the end the PKD-2 is actually pretty close to accurate size of the actual hero prop.

Ironically it is how I think most of us envision the gun when we see it in the film.

Funny that but so true.

Don't worry Silverskyes402, I'll post some build pics, just got to wait until it warms up some. ;)


That is one of my kits from the first run of PKD-II Model 2018 kits. After the fire in my shop in the summer of 2000, my PKD-I patterns were damaged. I took that opportunity to improve my PKD design. Admittedly, the reference available to me in 2000 was better than what I had in '96-'97, so I wanted to dial it in a bit more to look like the original. My first attempt was the one you are showing in this thread. The box and box art are correct, as well as, the instruction sheet. In that first batch of PKD-II 2018 kits that I made in mid to late 2000, I did cast many without the black dye. Later on, I enhanced this kit even more by making it in multiple component parts. The latter is the version of the PKD-II that I sold to EDC in 2002. Regrettably, I sold every pattern and mold to that particular model and have nothing left of it at all. Oh well.

If you manage to get your hands on that PKD you won't be sorry. My Rick Ross blaster will always be very special because it introduced me to the fun world of Blade Runner props.

Its a gorgeous piece and sometimes I think aesthetically its the most beautiful blaster out of the lot - even though its not accurate...

I hope something turns up for you...

(My PKD with the Worldcon):

I recently order my first kit on Etsy.

Thinking I ordered the original blaster, but apparently it's the Doppelgänger! I painted it like it's Rick Decker's blaster though... just because I really liked that one. Bare in mind; I'm an absolute newbie to this.


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