
It's the same exact plot every week.

Sadly, it is. Hopefully things will change when they get back from the mid-season finale now that Monroe is on the warpath and the Brady Bunch is all back together again.

The one thing that I don't get about this show, or more to the point Charlie and gang, what do they have against guns exactly? Every time they have a chance to get a hold of one of Monroe's militiamen's M4s they never keep it for very long. Like in the last episode, by the end of the firefight both Charlie and Miles has a weapon, later Miles ditches it (apparently) when jumping out the window to escape Monroe & his cronies, then when Miles reunites with Charlie we see that she also has ditched her weapon. Why? If I were them I'd be doing my darndest to get my hands on one of Monroe's goon's weapons and scavenging ammo off of every one of them that I manage to kill or incapacitate, not picking them up and dumping it at every chance.
Sadly, it is. Hopefully things will change when they get back from the mid-season finale now that Monroe is on the warpath and the Brady Bunch is all back together again.

The one thing that I don't get about this show, or more to the point Charlie and gang, what do they have against guns exactly? Every time they have a chance to get a hold of one of Monroe's militiamen's M4s they never keep it for very long. Like in the last episode, by the end of the firefight both Charlie and Miles has a weapon, later Miles ditches it (apparently) when jumping out the window to escape Monroe & his cronies, then when Miles reunites with Charlie we see that she also has ditched her weapon. Why? If I were them I'd be doing my darndest to get my hands on one of Monroe's goon's weapons and scavenging ammo off of every one of them that I manage to kill or incapacitate, not picking them up and dumping it at every chance.

I thought Miles took it from Charlie before he went on his killing spree. But yeah, they always leave useful supplies behind.
I thought Miles took it from Charlie before he went on his killing spree. But yeah, they always leave useful supplies behind.

As I remember, Charlie had an M4 and was gunning it out with a militiaman, then Miles came in and stabbed the guy in the back and took his weapon. So by the end of that firefight both of them had an M4. Charlie's, I believe, had run out of ammo and she may have ditched hers because of that but I don't see why they couldn't have searched the dead militiaman for spare mags, you can't tell me that ammo is so scarce that all of Monroe's militiamen are only issued one magazine a piece. On the other hand, I don't exactly recall seeing any sort of load bearing equipment on them so if they had spare mags I don't know where they'd keep them but that wouldn't stop me from checking anyway.

Speaking of checking for spare mags, why is it that in movies and TV shows nobody does that? They'll happily scrounge a weapon from somebody they've killed or disabled but they never seem to check them for spare mags. Why is that?
Miles ditched his when he and Monroe had their heart to heart. maybe he felt killing him with a sword would be more heartfelt?

I dod think they should scrounge the guns and ammo, too, but really, the element of surprise is the only thing they have going for them. Gun shots bring goons running. And zombies, but that's a different show.
Miles ditched his when he and Monroe had their heart to heart. maybe he felt killing him with a sword would be more heartfelt?

I do think they should scrounge the guns and ammo, too, but really, the element of surprise is the only thing they have going for them. Gun shots bring goons running. And zombies, but that's a different show.

Yeah, I know, I think he had run out of ammo or something, I can't remember why exactly he ditched his M4 in favor of going at Monroe with his sword.

Agreed that Charlie and gang should really try to do a better job of hanging to any weapons they acquire along the way considering how many times they run into Monroe's militia and are constantly outgunned every time. Back when the show started Charlie at least had a crossbow but she eventually lost that along the way and for some dumb reason never felt it necessary to replace it with another weapon, hell, none of them are ever armed except for Miles and all he has is that dumb sword of his.
Did S.M. Stirling ever sue over the similarities to his Emberverse/Change novels? How about his publishers? The studio that has the rights to his books? Anyone?!? :confused
Well i like it,i know it has many flaws but it's tv after all,there is no way in hell any fuel would be usable after 15 years unless it's some military miracle fuel,i suppose they could have found a way to refine existing fuel....i'll keep watching because there really is not much else to watch,especially as the walking dead has 2 more episodes to go.....
This is the worst show I can't stop watching. They do so many stupid things during an episode but leave you at the end wanting to know what happens next.
This is the worst show I can't stop watching. They do so many stupid things during an episode but leave you at the end wanting to know what happens next.

Same here. It's a 60 minute train wreck that for some reason I have to watch. :confused

I think it helps my wife really enjoys this show. If it was just me watching it, I might have deleted it from my DVR during the hiatus.
just seen the first two episodes. whilst i always fin Billy watchable, there's bits of this show that are annoying me already.

first, that plane that was in the trailer. it looked so fricking ludicrous. never ever in the history or air crashes has an airliner ever dropped vertically out the sky whilst rotating like a sycamore seeds. it looked pathetic. and on the subject of planes, seriously, if they all dropped out the sky there'd be nothing left anywhere - you just have to look at or such to get an idea of what's in the sky at any given time, especially over a city like Chicago.

Billy's hotel set. there was a ********* broken pillar lying on the stairs. WTF was that about? who dressed that set? it had a flat top and bottom plate, for chrissake - what, someone just tried to balance it on a stair riser for aesthetic effect? that was sloppy beyond belief.

when that woman was on the computer telling the other person the militia was here. "did they find it?" : i hope that didn't mean the pendant thing. because, how would she be typing if they had?

i see elizabeth mitchell is stretching her acting legs by...playing exactly the same character she always plays. yawn.

i was dubious about this from the start. now all the "man has globally changed the law of physics" thing makes me think that whole aspect is unexplainable. i'm about ready to believe that 5 years down the line we'll find out the blackout etc was the effect of global nuclear armageddon and EVERYONE is actually dead all along >:-/
Anybody still watching this? I feel that the show has gotten better since it came back from the mid-season break and I like that we're getting to see more of the US now.

Btw, anybody catch the continuity error last week? In the part where they rendevous with the second Georgia ship Boy Band is holding an M4 with a flat top and (I think) a flip up front sight but in the very next scene he's now holding a regular M4 with the carrying handle. Somebody in the continuity dept. didn't do their job properly it seems.
I still watch it. I feel it's gotten better since they actually decided to put a scientific rationale behind the power outage.

I still watch it. I feel it's gotten better since they actually decided to put a scientific rationale behind the power outage.


What makes the explanation really interesting is that it's supposed to be actually (theoretically) possible; the cast and (I think) Kirpke were at WonderCon this year and they said that they had talked with some scientists about what could cause the blackout and although no one had mentioned their method they did admit that it was possible. The other thing that they mentioned is that they're taking a different approach from show's like LOST, instead of spending the entire span of the show trying to explain mystery they're going to explain everything much, much sooner and just get it out of the way and deal more with the consequences of and the reasons behind the mystery rather than the mystery itself.
It sure did! I have to say I was surprised at the tack they took, but it seems to have made things interesting for the new season...

Just remember to not look at the plot holes too closely... ;)
Is anyone still watching this show, if so, what do you think of this season so far? I'm finding this season pretty interesting so far, if a good bit different from last season, however, I'm kind of wondering if this show hasn't jumped the shark with the firefly and Aaron the firestarter thing. I also think that the show might have made a mistake in the last episode with the whole flash photography thing, I think they might have been using old Graflex cameras & flashes (or something similar) but I'm not sure how the flashes were fired from Graflex guns and the like, they look to me that something the flashes they used might have operated of some sort electrical ignition system which, if true, they shouldn't have been able to work even if the flash is an old fashioned flash powder one.
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