revision of Indiana Jones Lost Journal

Am quite new to all this but I must say that you guys really are creating a fantastic contribution to this. I've not done anything to do with the Indianna Jones films yet but am really tempted to start putting a journal together as with all this info it would look brilliant. Kudos to all of you.
Hi Guys,

ok it has been a long time coming but we are still working on the journals and in the next few days we should have another section completed hopefully, its taking a lot longer than we both had hoped but if somethigns worth doing its worth doing right, and we want to make sure we do it justice, thanks for the suport and you should here from us in a few days.
WOW - has it been that long since we started this, anyways we are still working on it andalthough our progress is somewhat slower than we had hoped we do want to get it right.. keep a lookout in the next week as we will be giving away one of our "exclusive" inserts free here in the next few days
Me and DD28 would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy new Year.

and give you all this Free-bee that will feature in our "Lost Journal"


EDT:- And thank you for the support the last year


  • Marshall College Christmas Card.pdf
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Thanks for the Christmas Card. Looks awesome and I love the trade mark on the back.

Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas - everyone have a great Holiday.

As a matter of interest, will this include the French comics from Shell Petrol Stations, the German novels, the British "Lost Treasures" comics ("Facing Death!", "Skull Duggery!" and unnamed one featuring the Saxon helmet), the free comic book day story "Temple of Yearning" or the Find Your Fate books?
if I can find surficient info relating to them or the books, comics themselfs then the answer will be yes, I have 2-3 find your fate books already which are a fun read, and easy to get info from but not got any of the others you mentioned
Lost Treasures magazine comics from the UK can be read here (they're very short): moedred: Lost Treasures magazine comics

Temple of Yearning free comic book day comic can be read here: moedred: Temple of Yearning

French Shell Comics:

Grimoire Maudit (Cursed Book of Magic) translation - Grimoire Maudit - The Raven
Cité de la Foudre (City of Lightning) translation - Cité de la Foudre - Page 2 - The Raven
Secret de la Pyramide (Secret of the Pyramid) translation - Secret de la Pyramide - Page 6 - The Raven

Wolfgang Hohlbein wrote 8 indy novel - they're all in German though and have never been released in English:

◾Indiana Jones und die Gefiederte Schlange (1990)
◾Indiana Jones und das Schiff der Götter (1990)
◾Indiana Jones und das Gold von El Dorado (1991)
◾Indiana Jones und das Schwert des Dschingis Khan (1991)
◾Indiana Jones und das Verschwundene Volk (1991)
◾Indiana Jones und das Geheimnis der Osterinseln (1992)
◾Indiana Jones und das Erbe von Avalon (1993)
◾Indiana Jones und das Labyrinth des Horus (1993)

Labyrinth des Horus has been translated by a fan but the file is no longer being hosted (working on getting it...)
Indiana Jones und das Gold von El Dorado translation - Indiana Jones and the Gold of El Dorado Translation - The Raven

And a pretty extensive chronology of Indy's exploits if you fancy being REALLY thorough:

The Indiana Jones Timeline / Chronology - The Raven

A lot of reading to do yet..... ;)
Hi Rorschach999!
I've been following your progress on the journal for many months now and I just wanted to convey my encouragement for the great job you are doing - certainly a labour of love! This is a very exciting project and again well done! I can't wait to see how it all comes together!
Best regards!
Oh, forgot about these other rare Indy comics - Treasure of Monte Cassana and Sword of Excalibur: moedred: Adventure Club Magazine Comics

And if you're covering Young Indy (which I never did), there's even MORE rare comics - Mountains of Superstition; Plantation Treasure and Princess of Peril: moedred: Young Telegraph

Then there's the Secret of the Stone Tiger, Temple of the Crystal Skull and Temple of the Forbidden Eye attractions to consider.... :lol
ok Folks

Not had an update on this for a while now, so hee it is.

Ok, We are still working really hard on this, we have now secured the talents of an illustrator so that all the sketchs have consistancy throughout the whole thing, at the moment we are looking at approx 800 pages, and approx 850+ inserts (there is 50 years to cover after all) alltough only about 150-200 will be in hte diary itself, we also have a few other items that will be part of the whole package. I've been contacting various people involved with the actual production on the movies etc. and have secured a few Autographs, signatures from some of the actors that we will be giving away as an extra once complete,

I've also got a number of Character signatures ie. Sallah, Donovan, Indy himself from the Actors who portrayed them for that added bit of realism, for instance, my donavon letter will be perfected with Julian Glovers "in Character" signature of Walter Donovan, as will John Rhys Davies's Sallah signature, plus the prize of them all "Harrison Fords" Indy Signatures, I managed to get him to sign the following "Indy, Dr H. Jones Jr., Dr Indiana Jones, Dr. Henry Jones Jr. also go a few more as well,

We are moving along nicely, and have about a third done in rough notes and hopefully get some more work done on it soon, we are very excited about this project, although we had hoped to have done a lot more than we have, but as you can imagine there are a lot of stories in indys history and not all of them are consistant with in a workable timeline so we have had to "tweak" things a little here and there to get it all to fit.

well, hopefully there should be another update soon,

And thank you for your continued support
So, how are you planning to execute this magnum opus? You're not gonna make one 800 page long journal....? Is it going to be broken up into a series of smaller journals, covering, say, a ten year period each?

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