revision of Indiana Jones Lost Journal

Re: New "Prop" Version of Indiana Jones Lost Journal

hi just a quick note to let you all know i've not forgotten about you all i'm still recovering from a bad case of flu and got PC problems too but i hope to get them sorted in the next few days

will do a update them hopefully before the weekend but if not it will be monday

thanks for the support
Re: New "Prop" Version of Indiana Jones Lost Journal

Take care of yourself. This sound like it is hitting you hard. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Re: New "Prop" Version of Indiana Jones Lost Journal

Great idea! Can't wait to see your finished diary.

One thing i noticed, and i apologize if someone has already mentioned it, would be the dates that you have on your initial entry. Bear in mind that if you fly to Nepal from the states today it could take you up to 24 hours, so in 1936 on a DC-3 (or similar) and with the refueling stops etc required, it could take you a couple days travel time. Same with the other legs to Egypt etc.

Other than that i think its brilliant!

(Edit: Travelling by Indy-map-line would be sweet!!)
Revision of Indiana Jones Lost Journal Project


OK this may be a long or short message depending if i can stop coughing long enough to write it.

well things are moving along nicely and steadily which is good as there are a lot of things to get right (including travel times - thanks for that), I did think of that and it was taking ages to track down travel times in the 30s etc so i decided to just use months instead of actual dates unless they are mentioned in historical events like Titanic, WW1 etc,

We have a lot of work to cover and approx 100+ adventures during indy's 50 years between 1908 - 1957, if anyone has any sugestions which adventures they'd like to see in there more than others let me know, as I'm having to read all the novels, comics etc, to get the info, as we want to do as a complete job as possible, some adventures will get more attention than others ranging from 1 paragraph to a few pages.

as for inserts we have already created well over 200 for this project and estimate approx 800-900 when we have completed it - don't panic though as not all will make the final cut, and those we don't use we are offering as exclusives to the RPF only as way of thanks for the support we are getting on this project.

We are looking for an illustrator / artist for use on this and many future projects so if your interested PM me with rundown and examples of your work or just email me

Ok as for the final product we are putting together a great package (exclusive to RPF members), not only the journal but extras too, can't give too much away but various individuals in the prop and entertainment industry are very excited about this and are watching our progress with great in-trepidation.

well more freebees will follow in the next few weeks as we work on the journal and its contents so please keep checking back now and again for these updates and freebees, and I can only hope that the final journal will be something you'd be proud to own.

we are now entering into the period of 1912 - 1914 in which there are about 15-20 adventures almost one a month so the next preview might be a few weeks down the line but we will keep you all up-to date on the progress.

And please do let me know if you have a favorite Indy adventure or ideas for inserts for the different stories as any advise is welcome good or bad :)

well that's it for now - I've also changed the title to match our signatures - :D

a few pics attached too not sure who did them originally so im not claiming credit for them but credit is due to the original creator - thanks for sharing


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Re: New "Prop" Version of Indiana Jones Lost Journal

I know I may get in trouble for asking but any chance you can make a non KOTCS version??

I never played the game but I love Atlantis so anything to do with that would be great. I really felt a movie about him discovering Atlantis was a no brainer. I guess glass aliens sounded better.

I would love some good stuff from the novels about the adult Indiana Jones and not focus so heavily on the young Indiana Jones Chronicles. I know they need to be included but to me the adult Indy adventures-Films-Novels-made up- would be the best part.

A few blank pages here and there would be nice to add stuff if we wanted and a number of blank pages at the end for further adventures would be awesome as well.

They seem to have decided Indy is kind of a not so great guy. He took advantage of an underage Marion. Commented there were lots of Marions later, really?????? Then left her at the alter and never bothered to check in, find out about his son, etc.

I like a flawed hero but not that flawed so maybe leave that stuff out. Again, it may just be me but I really thought Indy came off very badly in KOTCS and the back story they originally had in mind for him and Marion in Raiders is well, criminal.

I loved that Indy was flawed, not looking to be a hero, etc, but a statutory rapist, not so much. When I first saw Raiders I just figured they were both young. They have since established she was way under age and he was not. This was verified in the original Raiders story. They even had to change the script to get what they did leave in the film past the studio. They actually wanted to do more to imply Indy took advantage of an underage girl. Weird set up for a hero. If a twenty something Indy slept with my fifteen year old daughter, who is currently 2 and playing in the next room, there would be no further Indy stories. Just a small notation about a promising young archaeologist who disappeared and was never seen again.

Just some ideas...
just a quick update to let everyone know i'm back to 90% health and my computer is now 100% working, so to celebrate I will put up a freebee in the next few days
sorry took so long next section done should have a sneak peak preview in a few days for all you fans out there.

I'm lookin gfor translators - Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian and Chinese so if anyone can help please PM me thanks
It's kinda funny, really. I finally picked up the Blu-ray collection this week and as a result decided to sit and read thru the Lost Journal. Then today I log in here for the first time in awhile and up pops this thread.

I'm afraid it's not likely I'll be able to offer any help (lack of time, talent, equipment, etc.) but you definitely have my interest. Looking forward to seeing how this all works out.
I take Italian and Spanish. Russian I have to ask. It's incredible, we have members all around the world and it is a small french member who will takes all the translations !
Just a quick note, to let you know we are still working on the Journal, however Mike (Rorchach999) has run into a little problem that will slow things down for a while....he's had a bad fall down a set of stairs and has broken his right leg and his left arm :facepalm. Once he's feeling better we will be bringing you more updates, I'm sure when he's able to, he'll be back on here, just don't expect coherent posts as he is Left Handed. :)

Get well soon Mike.

This is sad news. Please take care of yourself and get well soon. Hope you are not in too much discomfort.

Here is to a speedy and complete recovery.

Hi All,

well I'm still here and if nothing else my accident has given me a good excuse to read all the Indiana Jones books i can get me hands on - so my time will not be wasted, Hopefully we should be back on schedule in a few weeks now that I have my typing sort of going ok with one hand - still not quite upto speed but getting there.

watch this space
To a speedy recovery Mike. Just saying that your stuff is some of the best on the site. Looking forward to the journal. Just bought Chronicles to get caught up with the back stories.

All the best mate,

ok a quick update

I've now had my plaster off my leg arm and had the stiches out my hand so im able to type normally - well as normal as it ever was so more sections should be getting done soon - I've been reading indy novels like mad and got too much info in my head .... that much i'm thinking of applying to mastermeind - :lol, anyway thanks for your patience and we will get back on board shortly, and possibly give those loyal fans out there a freebee if I can sort one out ...

keep watching this space
ok just a quick update to let you all know that 2 more sections have been written and are being checked and proof read as we speak - before they get added to the other pages - its been a long time since my last update and I can only appologise as I have been lacking a bit lately - now that I'm back on track we can get things moving again.

also if anyone out there is any good at illustrations or pencil /pen drawing let me know as we may have some wor for you !!!!!

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