Revell TIE Advanced question


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I notice on the top hatch of the Revell pre-painted kit, the would be panels that sit at the front of the hatch are painted in white and red. Though my reference material is little on this ship, in the Figure Archive book, there is a top view of the filming model and these colored panels do exist on it.
What I am wondering is does anyone know if these are actually back lit on the studio model or just brightly painted?

If you mean the outside of the hatch, those were model
kit decals. But I don't know exactly which ones they were.

Thank you so much aswell Jedi Dade.

Here is the figure archive book image where they look brighter. Perhaps its just the picture that gives them that effect.

Here's a shot I took at the NASM exhibit in the mid 90's

And here's a close crop

These are scans of 4x6 prints, but they show more than most others I've seen.

Wow Rob, that is an excellent and very detailed picture. Thank you both very much for your replies and sharing these shots. This has been most helpful and I appreciate it so very much. :)
You're very welcome, Rider. Looking at the cropped shot, it
appears that the black marking on the right side is a partial
decal. Part of it is missing, either intentionally or by being
damaged. But it's an interesting detail, like alien writing.

Yeah, the dark markings look like spliced text. And the white on red looks like some sort of logo. Very cool and clever and clearly far more detailed than just mere paintwork.

I know how restrictive access and lighting can be at these exhibits, so well done on getting such a clear shot and enlarging it so nicely. It’s a great job.

I’ll tell you the other aspect that surprised me. The front engine cutout parts are the same color as the rest of the body. All this time I thought they were darker. Such is the illusion of light and shadow.

Thank you so much Rob
I wanted to say a very big thank to you guys for your help on this and show you some pics. I spent this weekend putting it together, and trying to accurize it as best as I could.

Anyway, long story short, I finally got to the decals and your pics were invaluable. So thank you so much and here’s how it all looks.

Quick notes:- The solar panels will require another coat. Also, I did not add the pin holes on the canopy brace, too scared I’d screw it up:wacko.




Is this the same kit as the olf MPC kit and did you scribe the lines on the fuselage?

Hi GF,

This is not the same kit no. This is a new mold from Revells current Star Wars line. It’s slightly smaller than the MPC-onwards releases. It’s a pre-painted snap kit primarily aimed at younger modelers.
It’s pretty basic and though not bad accuracy wise, does have a lot of missing detail such as no engine/thrusters (they are acknowledged only as a red dot) and things like that.
But in other aspects, the interior parts and especially the Vader figure (not used on mine) are very cool and superior to the MPC version.
The MPC is a better kit IMO, but it’s very hard to come by in my location, which is why I opted for this, but having said that, I really liked the plastic quality and flexibility of this kit and found it very workable and less fragile than the MPC manufacture.

I did scribe the lines yes. That’s why they look so wonky :$