Retro, comicbook style Space Helmet (Lots of Pics)

awesome awesome build i love a good pulp scifi helmet!!!! are those cardboard? tubes ahrd to come by? I was thinking doing something like this for my mars attacks collar as well. not sure if home depot caries them tho.

Large tubes are available at construction suppliers like Mennards. They are concrete forms and will have a plastic film liner in them. I have been successful in removing the liner for other projects I have done. They may need some extra layering to beef them up for a project such as this.

The tubes shown here are ones I have come by here and there, saving them for that one project I haven't thought of yet. Shipping and mailing suppliers will have tubes as well, but the largest I've seen in those places have only been 3in. dia. Just keep you eyes open for a discarded tube. You'll never know where you may find one.
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That is just too damn cool for words to express!!! Fantastic work! :thumbsup
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Bitchin'! While it totally kicks butt, the Minnesota Boys are not surprised. :D Blair's been doing awesome cardboard stuff for a long time. Rocketeer helmet and backpack, original phaser rifle, Marvin the Martian's raygun... you name it.

Looking great!
Cool!Looks really good Was it as easy to make as it looks? What did you use as the bubble?

I got the 14 in dia. globe from this website-
14 in. Clear Acrylic Globe - with 5.25 in. Neckless Opening

I did most of the pattern plotting on my autocad to fit each tube. It made things much easier to cut the right shape to fit the tubes to each other. But even so, I had to consider how to assemble it as I needed to feed wires to the fans. But once all that had been figured out, I plan to make three more for some of my buddies for a group costume.
Hi BAK55, I'm a photographer and I'm interested in replicating your amazing Space Helmet work for a self-initiated shoot. I was wondering if I could chat with you about what materials you used.
Hi BAK55, I'm a photographer and I'm interested in replicating your amazing Space Helmet work for a self-initiated shoot. I was wondering if I could chat with you about what materials you used.

Sure, just ask what I can clear up for you. In the meantime I'll go over the materials that had been used.

As I had said before, the shipping tubes are cardboard tubes of various sizes I had collected over the years. The 14" diameter acrylic globe I had ordered online. The end caps for the "gas tank" is a 3" plastic display globe I got at a Michael's crafts store. The flextube I found at Mennard's. The backpack box was contructed from 1/8" thick cardstock I bought at an art supply store. Both the air duct and battery compartment had been made from scrap currogated cardboard and glued in place. The waffle fan and squirrel cage blower fan I had found at a local surplus store. Both fans were cemented in place with contact cement. The air inake cover is some sort of plastic drain cover that I had found at the same surplus store.
Nice work.

I would love to see some weathering applied.
As if it had been on a few missions.

:thumbsup While I appreciate the suggestion, I'm planning on a presentation at a con this summer as if this were a "lost" science fiction film from way back when. Weathering is a realatively new technique to props such as this, and hadn't been used in earlier films. FORBIDDEN PLANET is an example of where all the gear had a nice shiny new look to it and hadn't been on a whole lot of other missions.