Repostioning a decal


Sr Member
I have a nascar model and the decal on the roof is upside down. Is there any way to lift it and turn it around. I'm not sure if rewetting will work. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Originally posted by TK9120@Aug 4 2005, 08:32 PM
I have a nascar model and the decal on the roof is upside down. Is there any way to lift it and turn it around. I'm not sure if rewetting will work. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Nope, your pretty much screwed short of scraping it off and totaly replacing it with another decal.

If you clear coated over it, you may be abe to apply a new decal over it and get luckey, if not, you'll have to totally strip the paint job.

Oh... and this belongs in the general modling section and not the SS forum. ;)

Originally posted by TK9120@Aug 4 2005, 08:32 PM
I have a nascar model and the decal on the roof is upside down. Is there any way to lift it and turn it around. I'm not sure if rewetting will work. Any thoughts? Thanks.

If you have not clear coated the kit, use a warn damp cloth and leve it lay on the decals for a while. This MAY soften it. I have taking kit and submerged them in warm water in the past and have been able to remove decals that way.
I have a BSG Viper that has been sitting at the bottom of my aquarium for near 10 years and the decals are still intact. I take it out from time to time to clean everything but the decals stay put. :)

Originally posted by AnythingSciFi@Aug 6 2005, 12:12 AM
I have a BSG Viper that has been sitting at the bottom of my aquarium for near 10 years and the decals are still intact. I take it out from time to time to clean everything but the decals stay put. :)


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