Removing superglue stains from clear acrylic?

I'm assuming you're talking about "fogging". If that's the case, I believe you're out of luck as it's a chemical reaction with the plastic, not a stain.
You can try getting it out on a buffing wheel. The buffing wheel is wearing down the problemed areas which results in the shine. If you used CA to repair your acrylic then an adhesive specifically made for acrylic should have been used instead. I think the stuff I used at one shop was called's been awhile so I can't be sure. Regardless, just ask for something specifically made for acrylic. It dries fast with no trace.
I've had lots of luck with turtle wax buffing compound followed by turtle wax polishing compound. Rub it really fast so it gets a little hot and use a white cloth. I used a red cloth once and the dye from the cloth some how worked it's way into the surface.
Sand off the rough stuff with high grit sandpaper. Polish area with Novus plastic polish and restore opical clarity with a bit of Future floor wax (sold as "Pledge with Future shine").
