Remote Control Saw Puppet Laugh Help


Sr Member
Basically I need what it sounds like. I'd like to install something in my Saw Puppet where I could press a remote control and the laugh will go off, mainly to scare people walking by, lol.

Anyone have any ideas?
If you can live with a wire, how's this:


One cheapo mp3 player that you can find in magazine stores or cvs, a 20 or so foot stereo cable wire (radioshack) and a speaker in or behind the puppet. you connect the wire from the earphone output on the mp3
player to the input in the speakers. You make the laugh the only track on the player and when you hit the button, he laughs.


As far as wireless, I am almost positive radioshack had wireless speakers of some sort, but for sound quality and consistency, I'd argue you'd. need a wire. Otherwise it's the same idea;mp3 player wirelessly rigged to the speakers

Motion sensative

I don't have a clue how you'd make one that was motion sensative. Maybe taking apart one of those prebought ones (again cvs) might help, but you'd need to ask someone else how to connect a new sound chip to the board.
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You can get an Arduino Waveshield board and solder it yourself... pretty simple stuff and cheap, too! I've never soldered anything in my life and everything came out great.

They have motion sensors, IIRC. The sound files will go in the SD card.