Recently finished fiberglass TIE Fighter Pilot & Biker Scout Helmets


Sr Member
In my quest to possess a worthy armory for the Empire, I set out to acquire the best available quality of fiberglass TIE Fighter Pilot helmet and Biker Scout helmet. I found that when going with fiberglass you have to give up some accuracy but I must say that I am extremely happy with the results and would like to thank those who helped me put this together from more than several sources.

I will admit right now that I did not do the painting or weathering. I hired a professional in Los Angeles to add the finishing touches. Anyway, I hope everyone likes these as much as I do.








Those are seriously nice. As a TIE costumer, I can especially appreciate your TIE helmet.

Thank you! I found it fun to do the research. I could not find any pictures of the chest box being seen on screen so that made it difficult to determine what was screen accurate. The best I could find was a pictures of Ainsworth wearing it but the hero helmets were reworked after. Who's to say that the chest boxes weren't? I found that different people take different liberties regarding what is an accurate chest box.

I enjoyed going through the film to determine exactly how many hero helmets there were and choosing the one I would like best. There were only 3 hero helmets from what I could see. There was the silver mohawk, the one with the tear like patterns coming from the eyes, and one with a torn cog. I found it funny when I realized that they flipped the film to make it look like the torn cog helmet was two different pilots. You can see that the torn cog appears both on the left side then also on the right. I felt that the one with the silver mohawk did the best job of highlighting the helmet details so I went with that one. Also, you could clearly see the lettering on the helmet which made it easier to lift the detail.




Awesome work on the biker lid, did you sculpt that yourself?

Thanks no. It is an MLC fiberglass helmet. A beautifully made piece. I am extremely happy with it. The snout detail is a perfectly clean and accurate upgrade that I purchased on BSN.

The only thing I have left for me to do at this point is look into padding the interior of the biker scout helmet. Oh and I have fiberglass armor heading my way for the TIE pilot courtesy of Pontumac.
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You get a glimpse of the chestbox in ROTJ when they're running through the deathstar corridor. though i think that footage was unused ANH footage.
So you do see it. Fortunately mine is accurate. My chest box first came with the dots on the switches on the upper portion of the switch. That was changed. I have seen that some people color one of the blue squares red. I can see from the ROTJ footage that they are both blue like mine.

The only thing I think mine needs is the gray tube. Where does that go to?
If you look you'll notice the grey switches are wedge shaped on the screen box not rocker style, the grey hose nobody knows for sure where it goes to.
I couldn't tell for sure but I am sure you are correct about the shape of the switches. It looks like the middle one is the opposite direction in some photos. Someone had also mentioned that there might be some other minor details on the top of the chest box.

My feeling regarding my TIE piece in general has been "close enough". The helmet has many inaccuracies but it is an overall good representation so I am happy.
I couldn't tell for sure but I am sure you are correct about the shape of the switches. It looks like the middle one is the opposite direction in some photos. Someone had also mentioned that there might be some other minor details on the top of the chest box.

My feeling regarding my TIE piece in general has been "close enough". The helmet has many inaccuracies but it is an overall good representation so I am happy.

That's what matters :thumbsup
Just thought you'd be interested in knowing the box is seen in the film.
It's a nice display any plans to add some chest/back armour ?