Recasters page on FaceBook

Sometimes it looks to me, that this recaster-stuff is getting more and more attention...

No problem with that, but I think the better way is to pay no attention to recasters...

There are a lot of threads where Newbies ask "Where can I find XY" and someone says "There is a seller on ebay...", knowing it must or could be a recast...

Every recaster warning is a potencial purchase of someone, who doesn't care about recast or not...

So I dont know if its a good idea to say: starwarsrecast2012 is a recaster, he sells yavin medals, lightsabres and stormtrooper parts, cast by a trusted member, who made perfect stuff...

If somethings not available anymore, someone will make it available trough a recast, and I dont know if that's a good idea to name the product and recaster and to give advices for a shopping list for people, who dont care, if they get a recast or not...

And sometimes I have the feeling of that double-morality, I see so much people are called out as recasters, but no one cares about all the nike mags replicas, no one cares about all the LOTR sword knock-offs or all the star wars costume parts.

I think it is important to have some preventive actions, like banning, make a list inside the RPF, because it concerns the RPF. But naming someone on a different website with different content is something like a witch hunt...

I wouldn't go too far, hell, this is hobby, fun, our free time, don't make it an unpaid full-time security job...

Just my 2 cents
The point is...someone else is getting paid for anothers hard work!'s work to build up a master to mold...and produce the kits and do the legwork...the actual selling etc.

And by the way I was the 4th to "like" the page ;)
Why cant these people (recasters) create their own work?

To elaborate, it takes skill, patience, and creativity to make a master pattern. If you don't have these then nothing is going to happen. Also, it can potentially take weeks to make a master pattern. I have made 3D printed patterns which can be expensive so if a recaster copies those then they save a lot of money. A recaster doesn't have what it takes to make a master pattern so they take another persons sculpt. They just want money with little effort.

In some cases they also want attention. To be known as the "go to" guy. I once spoke to a recaster about copies of my work that he was selling. He didn't know I was the original sculptor. He spoke very proudly in detail about the recasts as if he had done the work.
I honestly dont care whats recasted or much damn work to be able to enjoy a free part time hobby.....I only worry about the quality and craftmensip...not if its recasted or not....Heck some of the original itmes people create are some form of recasting in some way.
I honestly dont care whats recasted or much damn work to be able to enjoy a free part time hobby.....I only worry about the quality and craftmensip...not if its recasted or not....Heck some of the original itmes people create are some form of recasting in some way.

And i bet not a lot of sellers here on rpf wanna deal with you after a statement like that.
And i bet not a lot of sellers here on rpf wanna deal with you after a statement like that.

Recasting has happened left and right with Myers masks and among the collectors......If its an accurate mask its most likely a recast, Especially with the Halloween 6 replica masks.......Im tired of the bickering back and forth about all the recasts with Myers this point, if its quality and accurate...I dont care if its a recast.

Too much work to avoid recasts at this point....If the seller is honest as to the origins and is a decent business man.....Recast all he wants.

At this point...........I just want accurate nice looking props and masks..with out the origins being in question.

All this recasting bickering takes the fun out of enjoying the masks and props.......
Look at it this way........The Night owl "Nightmare man 78" is a recast if an original 1975 Don Post Captain Kirk.

Then Terry at CGP recasted it to make his own NMM78. THEN he recasted it again to make the Warlock.....and the Warlock has been regarded as one of the top most accurate Halloween 2 masks.
Wow ! Way to go, calling yourself out like that Vader. I don't know how the Facebook page is doing but this thread seems to be digging up suspicious people !
I honestly dont care whats recasted or much damn work to be able to enjoy a free part time hobby.....I only worry about the quality and craftmensip...not if its recasted or not....Heck some of the original itmes people create are some form of recasting in some way.

Congrats. You just made an awful lot of people's lists.
Do we really need to hijack this thread and turn it into another thread discussing recasting in general?

Sent from my Etch-A-Sketch
Recasting has happened left and right with Myers masks and among the collectors......If its an accurate mask its most likely a recast, Especially with the Halloween 6 replica masks.......Im tired of the bickering back and forth about all the recasts with Myers this point, if its quality and accurate...I dont care if its a recast.

Too much work to avoid recasts at this point....If the seller is honest as to the origins and is a decent business man.....Recast all he wants.

At this point...........I just want accurate nice looking props and masks..with out the origins being in question.

All this recasting bickering takes the fun out of enjoying the masks and props.......

pretty sure your the type of person the vast majority on here would not like to see as a member.

your attitude stinks.
I never said im for it......Im truely against it, but it gone to far at this point for me to keep up with it and call all the recasters out......Visit the MYers forums. 99% of the masks made by the indie artists are recast from either The original Kirk or from another mask. Plain and simple fact...and people still eat them up and praise how accurate they are.
I said I dont care if the prop is a recast,,,,,,as long as its an honest quality item.

That does not substitute for...oh go ahead and recast everything under the sun....its all ok.

There are some recasters out their that id like to knock out.
Recasting is a touchy subject.......

I see 2 kinds of recasting

The good...recasting movie props and other items to make extremely accurate replicas to the public, while being honest about the origins of the replica.

The bad....recasting an existing replica someone already made and claiming it as their own work.
at this point, if its quality and accurate...I dont care if its a recast.

if this isn't condoning it i don't know what is!

Too much work to avoid recasts at this point....

TOUGH ****!

If the seller is honest (IF HES A RECASTER HES NOT!)as to the origins and is a decent business man(HES NOT A BUSINESS MAN).....Recast all he wants. (**** ***)

At this point...........I just want (TO **** OFF THE GUY WHOS GETTING ****ED OVER)accurate nice looking props and masks..with out the origins being in question.

All this recasting bickering takes the fun out of enjoying the masks and props.......


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