Rebo's MkIII IM (now with added Mk VI foam build)

Re: Rebo's MkIII IM (now with added Mk VI foam build)(and 3D Printing)

Just got done building my printer (P3steel should anyone care) and thought I would give it a spin printing the fingers from Abb eliten Mk.42 thread.

5 hours 12 minutes later I have a set of ABS fingers!

What Have I learned in this last 5 hours?........

3D printing takes time and then some. You try to ignore it and let it do its thing but your eyes keep getting drawn back to it just like a fish tank.
I really need to fine tune my feed rate, retraction setting and tighten my Y axis.
ABS does not like drafts!

The prints came out fine and will be great after I clean off all the spits and spatters and prep them.
Now to print another set of fingers and then the hand and then the arm and then the shoulder and then..............................

Here's a few pictures...... :)

20150126_224309.jpg20150126_224243 (1).jpg20150126_224052.jpg20150126_224031.jpg20150126_223954.jpg
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