Rebel Transport scratchbuild.

that IS sweet idea (removable boxes). but in the end, i think its usually just too much food on your plate (looks great, but end up not using it). was think'g similar with a removable hatch idea for moe's interior on his AT-ST, or for sim bits on my own AT-ST.

how often would one remove those boxes to show the guts....and for what effort. ends up being a gain/pain ratio. in this case, i would think the ratio is less than one.

however, lee has undeniable skills and could make that task look easy. i'm just speaking for myself.

how are the cargo boxes coming along lee? do you have a master...are they all cast, etc?

Pics tomorrow Quincy of some cargo box samples painted, promise lol. I will look into the magnets, i think thats a sweet idea, mainly, for adjustment, could be fun, probably easier then tacking them in there TBH.

This really is just an amazing build, it's really a work of art......the bar just keeps getting raised in this hobby...
Mike thank you, and Trid, cheers buddy, but there are plenty more worthy of that kinda title, just glad its going down well so far :lol

Few primary samples of the Cargo boxes. I think these will work when all grouped together, there may even be another color mashed in there, similar to the hull...not sure yet. 3 down, just a few more to go LOL.

Cant say im giving them any major flair, just a quick clean up and shoot, but i will make a few Hero boxes for the nose as they will be on open view!

Ive ordered the magnets, so im going to try Thomas' idea with them!



Lee haven't spoke in a while mate, I hope all is well with you and Elsa and the family.

This is coming along fantastically. You and Julien have shamed me into doing some work again...:)

Again fantastic work

Greg, were all fine here buddy thank you, two young ones are getting a BIG handful of late though.....its a struggle and a battle of wills right now, but you know the score there bro.

What are you working on? Be cool to see some more from you!

Rich, huge thanks man.

Oooooh, sweet. Haven't had a looksee in the actual modelling boards in a while, how stupid, this is great work.

Lee, where do you feel you're deviating from canon in particular? I mean, do you think there's anything obvious or major? Short of getting our hands on the original for a measurement and photo session I think you've done about as well as anyone possibly could!
Phil, Happy New Year to you too buddy, hope all is well and great to hear from you! Now get back to that Falcon hehe.

Martyn, well by not cannon, i really mean i WISH it could be, i kinda sit for an hour, pondering whether to actually glue a part on i like, because i KNOW its not on the prop lol.

I do however agree, id challenge anybody to id this one, even with a bundle of pics of the inner workings, its a loony tunes mass of junk, kinda reminds me of the Medical frigate in some ways, they just sprayed it with glue and rolled in in kit parts lol.

Im currently taking five from packing out the belly now, using a few small tanks hulls for "meat" and it seems to be working out OK.

Martyn, will you please build yours NOW lol, be great to see somebody else bounce some idea's out :lol

Oh and its now confirmed the "non hero" side was barren of any brim trench detail, and we know this side is pretty sparse on not going that way, im way behind as i changed my plans, ripped off a lot of plating, and did it all again....very glad i did, asim taking a leaf outta Jason's book...and having some fun.

Here's what i mean about "meat" in the belly...pardon the pun.
The prop, shows the cargo pods, to hang pretty low in there, so im not too sure how those Karl rails held up for a safe bet to say they got covered up just like mine, as they are just TOO low in the belly.

Id say ILM may have gone a similar route, cant really say, but there does appear to be some large forms in the belly mass.....i think once go go all nuts with the really intricate parts, and then cargo boxes, should just about work out.

The eagle eyed among you, will see i do tend to have a love of the ROCO Gepard lol, its used on the prop in turret form, so there may actually be a hull in there or two...who knows.

Oh and i changed the front Gepard turret orientation, this is the basis of the landing gear, and for me, it was the wrong way round lol.




Happy new year to you & the family mate, hope the hang over isn't too bad?

The end is well in sight now by the looks of it, it really is looking stunning from tip to toe Lee. I have to make sure I'm a witness to the base coat going on, it would be ace to see it come to life.

I've not had a chance to get over cos of the xmas family demands but I will call you over the weekend & try & sort out a day very soon.
Back at you Guy, and no the heads fine buddy :lol Sure buddy, shoot me a call when you get chance, though i know what you mean, it was pretty FULL here over Christmas.

Sorry if this question has been asked before, but how did you form the upper hull and lower "skins". On the upper hull, I don't notice any putty or seam couldn't be one piece...could it?

I love what you have accomplished.

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