Rebel Transport scratchbuild.

Re: A storm is coming!

Hah, Rich im sure you are trying to kill me off lol, ive still got that slated for a MUCH later build, ive got the domes ready, just will need some pulls in styrene over them for plating one day, i may just get to it eventually!

Re: A storm is coming!

Stunning work dude!. Looks perfect to me, who cares if the access pits are a ways off Lee, your build is top notch and me thinks you're a brave soul to take this on, you are the first to do this model you know!.
Look forward to more on this mate!.
Re: A storm is coming!

Almost completed the basic plating on the upper hull, plan is now to get the few remaining large overlays done, then get the belly plates ready.

From there, i have to get to the several thousand strips, chips, notched squares, and scribing, its exhausting lol.

The uppermost access pit is a ways off (too forward), sadly i could not correct this, all the access pits, should they be cut in wrong on the primary hull, really become apparent when fitting the plating....ouch :lol


Wow,absolut great job :thumbsup!!!
Re: A storm is coming!

Wooooooow !
Absolutely fantastic Lee !

It is the curse of trying to build a perfect replica: The builder always knows (at least) a small little thing, that is just almost perfect. I wonder how many people would have noticed the position of the access pit.
Re: A storm is coming!

Kauro, sadly not buddy, scratchbuild only!

Michael, thank you my friend, but im sure many would have noticed the access pit lol, they are, without doubt, and eagle eyed bunch, and so we all should be :lol

Re: A storm is coming!

Mate you could glue a banana to that beast & it would still look amazing,The ILM version isn't accurate to yours bud that's a much better way of looking at it!
Far from done yet Paul, thats just the belly plates and they are not yet finished either, but, theres almost 20 hours in them....somewhere, the upper hull, and all the tiny chips of styrene, make me very tired to think of.....but then......there are guys that build ISD's, so i guess im just whining :lol

Oh BTW, just in case its mentioned by anybody....she's not cannon, i know this, isnt the intention anymore, just going balls out at her now to finish her up, obsessing over things on this ship, will very quickly drain the life from you :lol

Thanks, I was just curious... it took me 6 hours to etch some panel lines into a master pattern that is only about 3 inches long. But you are right: Sumatra's SD, Tox's ESB SD command tower, Rob's DS... the list oges on. And you're on the over-achiever list too Lee.:lol Don't sweat the small stuff, looks exactly like the transport to me.:thumbsup
Its not the sort of challenge you'd see on the generation game mate, but if it was you'd win. Just keeps looking better & better & better........

Just dont paint it pink, for fu** sake.
No Guy......Banana yellow buddy, its my hue of preference for this subject matter :lol
Cheers fella's, ive had a shaky time of late with the hobby, wasnt sure if id touch another model, but....we all know, thats just bull****, we just all need a break now and then, its been fun just going slow and weaning myself back on it!

Yeah welcome back dude, I know I keep saying it, but can't say it enough.., awesome stuff you're doing there..:eek


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