Real world gun holster size vs. B5 PPG?


New Member
I'm trying to identify a good holster for a Babylon 5 (original series) PPG. Since the most screen accurate holster I know of seems to be off the market, I'm trying to find out if there are useful alternatives out there.

What I've found out so far is that I want a fabric belt holster, probably ambidextrous, that fits a small auto. Small, because the PPG isn't big, and auto, because these tend to come with the pouch for an extra mag that is so good to fit the extra plasma cap in. There are a number of alternatives, but then there's the question of the size...

Now, "small autos", or sub-compacts, come in a variety of sizes and many, even most, holster manufacturers offer a selection of sizes more or less customised to fit a fairly narrow range of guns.

So, here's a question to all you members who have an intimate insight into real-world guns, along with the prop ones:

Which real world gun is a close-enough match for the PPG in size and proportions for a holster to fit?

Is it like a Beretta 21/20 or Colt 25 (very small pistols, these)? Or is it more like a Kel-Tec P-3?
Or what?

Or even better — if you know of a good PPG holster alternative right off the bat, please don't hesitate to let me know!
Not so much on this side of the Pond, I'm afraid. Vintage gun accessories are much more readily available in America than in Europe in general, and Sweden in particular.
The PPG was designed after a snub nose 38, or as they descried it, 'a Detective's gun'. So you might want to look at holsters designed for a Colt Detective Special, or a S&W Chief's Special. Those were the two most popular model's used in movies and tv shows.

So the question then is, are there any sub-compact semi-automatics that could (more or less) share a holster with a Chief's Special, et al.?

What I am looking for is a holster for an auto, since revolver holsters unfortunately never seem to come with that pocket for an extra mag.

But to phrase the question another way: which exact size Uncle Mike's was used in the series?
If we know that, I can look for other brands' holsters made to fit the same size guns that it was made for.
Could somebody post a pic of what the Uncle Mike's holster should look like?
Look for anything that fits a Smith & Wesson J-frame revolver. It was essentially built around that frame.
Okay, this seems to complicate things a bit.

  • Here's a picture of what the current Uncle Mike's size 0 looks like.
  • Here're pictures of one of the prop holster styles.
  • Here's another one, screen used.

Look at the shape of the opening. It becomes apparent that the current size 0 holster doesn't resemble the PPG holster very much...

Then there's the question of the magazine pocket, which has me increasingly confused. Do we know for certain that the plasma cap pocket was an add-on made by the studio, and that the holster was not in fact an auto holster with a magazine pocket?

  • Here is a current Uncle Mike's auto holster.

Apart from the modern safety details — thumb catch and velcro strap — this holster looks very much in style like the B5 holster ... so, would it be possible that there actually was a 90's model without these details that they used for the PPG? Especially as there seems to have been some variation over time?

Anyway, if one could find a correct size, one of these auto holsters (Uncle Mike's or other brands) ought to be an easy conversion, I'm thinking. Just remove the thumb catch and mag retaining strap, and you're done.

Question is just, which size?
In Uncle Mike's current fit charts, size 0 only seems to apply to revolvers. Is there an auto equivalent?
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That's the problem now the current uncle mikes is not the same as what was used on the show.

Not only does it have the Strap but the shape is off although I think I remember some holsters did have the strap.

Someone here talked with someone on the show and confirmed that the Pouch for the extra cap was sewn on by the prop dept.
On a side note desantis had some Auto holsters Uncle mike style, nylon, with a front mag attachment.

I don't know if they still do as this was a year or two ago.

Go to
On a side note desantis had some Auto holsters Uncle mike style, nylon, with a front mag attachment.
Go to DeSantis Holster

Thanks! So do Taigear, Protech, Ace, ...whichever brand it is that Army Surplus World sells..., and some others, by the way.

But this sort of brings us back full circle: All of these holsters come in a variety of sizes. So, which size auto (as opposed to revolver) corresponds the most closely to the PPG, and is thus most likely to have its holster fit the PPG?
My PPG is just a tad over 5 inches in length.

As posted earlier a S & W J frame revolver.
My apologies for resurrecting a dead thread, but I was wondering if you gentlemen have considered the DeSantis N87 Pro Stealth in 2" J-frame? It's a current holster that's available everywhere.

Compared the screen accurate version, it appears to match up nicely.

Yes that is the holster I was talking about earlier.

It's a close match

My apologies for resurrecting a dead thread, but I was wondering if you gentlemen have considered the DeSantis N87 Pro Stealth in 2" J-frame? It's a current holster that's available everywhere.