Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* Indiana Jones..

Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* BttF II and Harry Potter..

Wow, amazing! Do you happen to know where I can get a seclo-grow or a "half rat, half cup" as awesome as that?
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* V (1984 TV Series) & Harry Potter..

awesome collection and set up beechy!
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* V (1984 TV Series) & Harry Potter..

HermioneG - Thanx.. Don't know if you can still get them.. They were both JY runs in the past.. Love my Rat Goblet..
DE4NY - And thanx too..

Things are a little disordered lately in the displays.. I really need to take pics of everything again with the new camera and set it all up properly again..
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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* V (1984 TV Series) & Harry Potter..

I know they aren't props, but noticed I forgot to add pics of the t-shirt and autographed photos from V: The Convention.. It happened back in mid September 2000.. I had more autographs but seem to have misplaced them.. But here are the ones I have around:










Did anyone else attend?? Or am I the only Veek?? :lol
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* V (1984 TV Series) & Harry Potter..

Where did you get your Death Eater skull mask? Been looking for one of those for forever and a day. All I can find are the designs from OotP onward.

Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* V (1984 TV Series) & Harry Potter..

Thanks for the tour of the museum!! You have an amazing collection.
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* V (1984 TV Series) & Harry Potter..

Awesome collection Beechy. Truly amazing. Just wondering where you got all of the HP coins. I have a set but I'm hoping to get a handful of each. Any suggestions?
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* V (1984 TV Series) & Harry Potter..

Aloha all.. Sorry I haven't been around for past three months.. At the end of June, my missus walked out on me with our son, so haven't been in the mood to socialize etc.. Actually, the night she walked out, started because I made a white lie about buying a prop..

I told her I wanted to use some of my tax refund, to buy a replica I was looking at.. She started arguing about it, and it went on from there, to the point she left and didn't come back.. What was the white lie?? I lied about wanting to use part of my tax refund to buy a prop, when in fact, was going to use it as a deposit for a wedding ring, then use term deposit interest, to pay it off.. I was going to surprise her on her birthday in August, to tell her that we were going to get married in January, when we went away for the family holiday..

So, let that be a lesson for you guys.. Even if you think you are doing the right thing, and trying to surprise your partner; DON'T!! I've tried talking to her, to come back, to go to couple counseling etc, but she won't.. So have lost my partner/best friend and my son.. I get to have my son for about three days / two nights a week, but it's not the same as him being here.. It's hard, as he never went 24 hours without me.. But, what is done is done..

Another reason I haven't been around, is $$ of course.. Now things are harder, and don't have the $$ to spend, and this place is definitely to costly for me..

But, now for the good news.. The other day, I received my Indiana Jones "Cairo" Bullwhip from Crease N Corral, which was made by Dusty.. So here are some pics of the unboxing, on the display:








And with my son, Kal-El, wanting to be Indy:


Oh, and the whip came with a heap of styrofoam, he grabbed a few handfuls, and put some on the lounge.. I thought he was just making a mess as usual, but then he grabbed a heap of Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back figures, and made a little diorama of a Hoth scene with them.. It was cute, and made me laugh.. It’s heartwarming, to know that he is so much like me..

Sorry to hear the news mate. Damn!! :(
My ex wife walked out on me AFTER telling me she met someone else...
Was sleeping with him AND was pregnant.... All in one night.
My world crashed to the ground hard. But we didn't have children so I can't even imagine what you and little boy are having to go through.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
Just rest assure that life does get better. It may take some time, but in the end you may realize that you were not right for each other and there was so much more you were missing. I sure did!! Just hang in there.
Thanx mate.. It's getting better, and I'm staying strong.. Just work on improving myself daily, and being the best father I can be under the circumstances..
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* Indiana Jones and Harry Potter..

I grabbed this a while back.. An old toffee tin, same style they used for Tom Riddle's Box in Harry Potter:

Harry Potter..





Some people kept saying it was the red version, but definitely the blue version.. This one is rare, as it has a felt red lining inside the box, which I think adds to the character of it.. Now, just need to find out exactly what trophies he had in it..
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* Indiana Jones and Harry Potter..

Beautiful whip. When I finally purchase a whip that will be the one I get.
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* Indiana Jones and Harry Potter..

Beautiful whip. When I finally purchase a whip that will be the one I get.

It's definitely a nice quality whip.. Putting a Raiders "Cairo" style Indy, and does nicely with it.. Highly recommend it..
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - *New Arrival* Indiana Jones and Harry Potter..

Indiana Jones..

Was looking at grabbing a pair of replica Alden's, but saw these Alden 405's on eBay, and won them:

oxzr.jpg x7qg.jpg h8an.jpg 2fnk.jpg t2cr.jpg

I'll distress them up a bit more to I think.. Now to continue hunting down a Noel Howard (M.B.A) Raiders Shirt and Pants, and Indy will be so close to being finished..
Congrats mate. Glad you can join the club:) we're an exclusive membership lol


:lol Thanx mate.. Been wanting a pair for a while, and was just going to settle for look a likes, but saw these and thought, why not.. Now have a lot of reading to do about distressing them, along with the rest of the gear.. He's getting close to being finished, finally..
Really happy for you mate. Can't beat a well dressed Jones. Looking forward to seeing completed pics of your new display.


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