Timey Wimey
Active Member
Re: Superior Spider-Man, Age of Ultron Black Widow Style.
Spandex, Cordura and Leather oh my... is a completely out of context reference that doesn't take into account that half of the leather is pleather all the spandex hasn't yet arrived, not to mention the fact I completely left out the calico.
It's probably out of the ordinary to quote another thread but I'm kicking myself I didn't take DareDevil into account when designing the pattern. The costume is really interesting when I can see it in this lighting. Maybe there'll be some Daredevil-ness in the costume (probably (if any) some padding and/or more tactical, armour like styles).
Acrylic. (Know where to get but wouldn't mind suggestion).
High Impact PolyStyrene. (Know where to get but wouldn't mind suggestion).
Goggle Superior Lenses with Later Superior Colour. (Definitely know where to get).
Magnets.(Definitely know where to get).
Accessories to Start Making: Spider-Bots (Made with Styrofoam shapes (Might later be Vacuum Formed)). (I know where to begin).
Gauntlets (Will be inspired by Black Widow as Well). (Needs some figuring out).
Shoes (I Possess All the Necessary Pieces) (I know where to begin).
Web Shooters (Once Everything is done). (No idea where to begin).
Vacuum Former (I've got a Shop Vacuum (a start)). (I know exactly what to do).
On It's Way: 1 Yard Red Spandex.
Tulip Dimensional Fabric Paint (6 Bottles in total of 2 colours).
2 Applicators (Gaunt Industries HYPO-65 - Ceramic & Clay Underglaze Applicator - 2 Ounce Clear plastic Bottle with 16 Gauge Blunt Needle tip - Slip Trailing bottle).
Miscellaneous Yo-Yo Parts (When I'm not Spider-Manning... I Yo-Yo).
What did you think of the Pattern File?
Do you have any better or any good Ideas on where to get Pieces that are easily and cheaply accessible in Australia?
Anything to add to the lists based on what I've said in previous posts?
How would you implement Daredevil attributes?
Spandex, Cordura and Leather oh my... is a completely out of context reference that doesn't take into account that half of the leather is pleather all the spandex hasn't yet arrived, not to mention the fact I completely left out the calico.
It's probably out of the ordinary to quote another thread but I'm kicking myself I didn't take DareDevil into account when designing the pattern. The costume is really interesting when I can see it in this lighting. Maybe there'll be some Daredevil-ness in the costume (probably (if any) some padding and/or more tactical, armour like styles).
My Wish List: Coloured Fibre Optic Lighting Cable.View attachment 480201View attachment 480202the cowl is a 2 piece cowl
Acrylic. (Know where to get but wouldn't mind suggestion).
High Impact PolyStyrene. (Know where to get but wouldn't mind suggestion).
Goggle Superior Lenses with Later Superior Colour. (Definitely know where to get).
Magnets.(Definitely know where to get).
Accessories to Start Making: Spider-Bots (Made with Styrofoam shapes (Might later be Vacuum Formed)). (I know where to begin).
Gauntlets (Will be inspired by Black Widow as Well). (Needs some figuring out).
Shoes (I Possess All the Necessary Pieces) (I know where to begin).
Web Shooters (Once Everything is done). (No idea where to begin).
Vacuum Former (I've got a Shop Vacuum (a start)). (I know exactly what to do).
On It's Way: 1 Yard Red Spandex.
Tulip Dimensional Fabric Paint (6 Bottles in total of 2 colours).
2 Applicators (Gaunt Industries HYPO-65 - Ceramic & Clay Underglaze Applicator - 2 Ounce Clear plastic Bottle with 16 Gauge Blunt Needle tip - Slip Trailing bottle).
Miscellaneous Yo-Yo Parts (When I'm not Spider-Manning... I Yo-Yo).
What did you think of the Pattern File?
Do you have any better or any good Ideas on where to get Pieces that are easily and cheaply accessible in Australia?
Anything to add to the lists based on what I've said in previous posts?
How would you implement Daredevil attributes?
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