Re-Appropriated Spidey Thread (in need of Assistance)

Re: Superior Spider-Man, Age of Ultron Black Widow Style.

IMG_5085.JPGSpandex, Cordura and Leather oh my... is a completely out of context reference that doesn't take into account that half of the leather is pleather all the spandex hasn't yet arrived, not to mention the fact I completely left out the calico.
It's probably out of the ordinary to quote another thread but I'm kicking myself I didn't take DareDevil into account when designing the pattern. The costume is really interesting when I can see it in this lighting. Maybe there'll be some Daredevil-ness in the costume (probably (if any) some padding and/or more tactical, armour like styles).
My Wish List: Coloured Fibre Optic Lighting Cable.
Acrylic. (Know where to get but wouldn't mind suggestion).
High Impact PolyStyrene. (Know where to get but wouldn't mind suggestion).
Goggle Superior Lenses with Later Superior Colour. (Definitely know where to get).
Magnets.(Definitely know where to get).

Accessories to Start Making: Spider-Bots (Made with Styrofoam shapes (Might later be Vacuum Formed)). (I know where to begin).
Gauntlets (Will be inspired by Black Widow as Well). (Needs some figuring out).
Shoes (I Possess All the Necessary Pieces) (I know where to begin).
Web Shooters (Once Everything is done). (No idea where to begin).
Vacuum Former (I've got a Shop Vacuum (a start)). (I know exactly what to do).

On It's Way: 1 Yard Red Spandex.
Tulip Dimensional Fabric Paint (6 Bottles in total of 2 colours).
2 Applicators (Gaunt Industries HYPO-65 - Ceramic & Clay Underglaze Applicator - 2 Ounce Clear plastic Bottle with 16 Gauge Blunt Needle tip - Slip Trailing bottle).
Miscellaneous Yo-Yo Parts (When I'm not Spider-Manning... I Yo-Yo).

What did you think of the Pattern File?
Do you have any better or any good Ideas on where to get Pieces that are easily and cheaply accessible in Australia?
Anything to add to the lists based on what I've said in previous posts?
How would you implement Daredevil attributes?

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The main reason for this rewrite is because I am in need of assistance.

I now realize how the pattern I made mightn't work and how my body shape is too unique just to upscale the pattern. I've been printing photoshopped outlines on paper to make patterns and I have the Body and Legs perfectly shaped but I was hoping if I could be told whether I should use the custom made pattern with added extras (which I've half photoshopped), Or my upscaled and warped KenLandrum Pattern that I know half of which is perfect. If the latter, how should I make sure that the non main pieces both fit perfectly with the main piece and perfectly fit me. I'm using this pattern to make a sort of zentai suit and then make a second pattern by drawing new seams for the zentai suit. I have a plan but am afraid and was hoping someone could add some specifics to it. I was simply going to draw curve by curve and line by line on top of the non main pieces so they have the same lengths as the corresponding main piece lengths and the pieces that don’t matter will conform to me.
Unfortunately I don't have much to add. I'm new to all this as well, and I'm undertaking a task (no where near as complex as yours) that I have no idea where to start, once I have my materials. But you have my respect, and kudos for having a great imagination.
I've taken some advice from another thread I'm enjoying and made a duct tape mannequin. I went a bit overboard and covered every inch of my body but the head and I also had to use 3 different types of Duct Tape (I ran out and had to re tighten and re align some areas). I plan on attaching a head later as well. My dilemma is, now it's stuffed I don't know how to make a pattern from it without cutting it, which I refuse to do. Any Ideas. My stupid brain won't let me make a sloper because I'm assuming that'd have made it a waste of Duct Tape just to make a sloper in my plan not to make a sloper. I'd also like to keep the mannequin so I can continue to make patterns from it. My ideas so far have been to make connecting duct tape cords to represent where the seams belong then meticulously pulling it off in one big piece, to staple Pattern paper to it, or to wind calico around it like I did the duct tape around my body. I've exhausted all ideas (non of which I like) and I need some more. Could I please have some suggestions?ImageUploadedByTapatalk1437398339.489987.jpg one foot indeed is a Tabi sock.

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I've finished the Vacuum former and have the plastic. All of the legs to the Spider pack are attached, TJack delivered some excellent face related products, I possess any item I'd need to make plenty of outfits and I'm one step away from finishing the pattern. That step has been quite difficult and I very much need and 'd very much so appreciate any help so I can finish it and begin a new work in progress thread with hopefully much more interesting posts. I am up to the mask and it is very important that it is form fitting. I do have a replica of my head but cutting it would be an awkward last resort. I have been using a technique of wrapping non adhesive contact sheeting around the flatter body parts. It does not work so well with a head shape. Whether the remaining work be filling in the gaps digitally or physically I require assistance. I'd prefer as detailed as possible but at this point any addition 'd be a godsend.
No updates. Just hoping someone will reply. I have some ideas for the initial suit. I've cut out all the pieces and realized it's far too complicated and will probably be unpleasant to look at with all the implements of different characters. I also want to base a redesign on less characters, mainly from civil war concepts. I'll keep quite a few design elements from the original and I'll have to think about what I'll keep. I want to keep all the original Spidey ideas but without the Marc Webb implements. I want it to be mostly Black Widow Civil war but with less leather (still with leather). I like the idea of the Hexagonal shoulders for captain America and Ant-Man so I want to see if those can be more seemly added in than my prior attempt. I think I didn't remember what Daredevil looked like very well when I made the pitch but I want the red chest areas do have bits of foam padding in between both puffed and chiseled web lines. I would really like to be able to receive assistance from the RPF. Any suggestions on pattern making that would be form fitting but less time consuming than Duct Tape or getting. Someone to draw on a full body suit?
Hello. I feel I need to apologise. I don't understand RPF etiquette, nor do I understand what I'm doing. I write too much, understand too little and waste too much time. I overly saturated an under-defined thread due to excitement of views and responses. This has been an excessively long work in progress (phrase I should have used) for me due to it being me undertaking this project that made me realise there is more to costume and wardrobe than just buying things from stores. I could post images of the actual sewing I've started doing but I feel the thread has too much clutter already and what I've done is worse than mediocre. I like design and pattern making by copying off others work. I am not good at things once it goes beyond theory. What I have promised has changed and may continue to change. I decided to simplify my designs for the better and at the time still had a false sense of grandeur. I am now considering minimalising it further for the worse. I know realise I lack the skill this forum presents. What I have only now, truly begun to make, is sloppy and I have dealt with a few problems. I only now am realising that people don't care as much about my own work as I do. This post is stupid. I'm pretending to lead up to something when even the work I still plan on fulfilling will continue to draw out for ages and be poor. I think I can deal with that however. I hope I can be forgiven and allowed to do the best of my ability rather than the best of my imaginary persona's ability.

I want opinions. What are good ideas and what are bad? What should I do next time (I'm still passionate) and how do I limit myself on the RPF? What am I ought to be posting?

It is far too difficult to puff paint without dye sublimation for me so, should only lycra texture will be webbing (Spider-Man webbing pattern).
I planned on using piping and extra details that I believe I shall have to sacrifice.
Some additions that I have not posted I believe will too no longer be in the product.
Your very welcome and wanted to argue with these decisions. I am clearly incapable of doing things by myself and very capable of rambling on.
Should I post the photographs in this same thread and/or continue using it?
I am obsessed with this community and I want to do it right, even if I believe it is not in ones best interest to care what I have just now and before said.
Honestly I love the design and Idea youve had for this suit, it's very original and certainly looks stunning take your time doing this because the longer the better so you don't mess up something important, good luck I definitely am keeping an eye on this thread