Ravage [ Transformers RotF ] WIP


New Member
Hello, all. Phx Comicon is coming up, and I've been slowly working on a Ravage costume for it. :D

Yes, this Ravage -

So far I've made a dtd to build it on, have the front leg stilts made [ this is going to be on all fours, or else it'd be a pretty crappy Ravage hm? ], and the base for the tail is done.

Plan to work on the head tonight - I got a red led light for his eye, and hopefully the armor for the thigh area. If not that, then possibly the tail.

Will have something worth while to take a photo of soon.

Bits on it..
Most of the material used will be foam - since its basically going to be like a giant armored suit, in a way..

The tail is plastic with wire through it, and a pool noodle over that, nice and light. - The wire through it will be then attached to a belt to hold it on. The spikes are cut from a plastic bin and are being riveted together, then will be attached over the noodle, then painted.
His end gun is a pvc pipe, with wood bits carved out for those spikes on the end.

As with his tail gun, the guns on his back are going pvc as well. Plan to have this attached to a plexiglass base which'll be attached to the belt the tail is going to be on. Since he doesn't always have his guns out though, if time doesn't allow, I won't have them for the outfit for the con. Can add them later.
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Gotta see some pics of th' build process it's good ta see what was used an how it was formed not just described will be lookin for updates on th' progress on this build thread.
Hey all, didnt get to start the head, was working on riveting the tail. So no pictures of that yet, I will take pics of the eye light and legs to show something later tonight. :D
Erk. Getting nervous considering this is my first time doing an outfit like this.
Sorry if the quality isn't quite up to what people are thinking.. Ahah..
Plan is to have a basic version of him done, and with all the basic details, and get really detailed later on, since I don't believe I'll have enough time to try to get him insanely accurate before the con.

Here is the under base for the tail -

The base leg stilts -

^ Yes his ...'toes'.. paw? will move.

And also the led I got for the eye -
Nice start KAZ!!! Could ya take a better pic of th' leg stilts? It's kinda hard ta really make out what is bra. Try ta take a pic from 3' away it really jars th' eye. Keep th' updates coming!!!
Hated this redesign of Ravage, but looking forward to seeing your interpretation of it :)
I'll explain the legs a bit..
The stilts are pvc then the top is cut at an angle so I can bend them up when I move, the piece that was cut off is then attached to a chunk of wood that was screwed to the pipe, its not drilled down completely [ more of a loose hold] which allows it to move up and down.
I call myself Ravage for obvious reasons, I wish I was the character but hey what you're about to accomplish is mega uber cool! Please notify us when you have actual pictures please. All the best! :)
Cutting out more armor bits tonight.
Plan to pick up some paint + sealers - plastic primer for the tail, and Krylon fusion paint, hope the fusion one will work well with the different foams as well. :confused

Debating between the brushed metallic or the gloss metallic for his finish since he's not really shiney, but I don't want it too dull since he is a metal cat. Urg..
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