Rate: Star Trek AND Star Wars movies


Master Member
Same as the other thread but I thought it would be interesting to see where Trekkies place some of the SW movies in comparison to say JJ-trek? Is JJ-trek WORSE than TPM?

Here is mine!


2. ESB


4. ST2

5. ST1

6. ST voyage home.


8. JJ-trek (sorry I didn't hate it!)


10. ST3

11. ST5


13. SW TPM

14. First contact

15. insurrection

16. Nemesis

This is either gonna be fun or a bloodbath! (or both!) :angel
Apples and Oranges

Despite the fanboy reaction, JJTrek was by no means like a Star Wars movie.

I know that.

I am not comparing them. Or asking others to do so.

I am more of a SW guy. But I do love trek also.

Just curious as to which would go where in their favorite movies list.

I guess most would feel it a cardinal sin to talk of both in the same list? :angel
I guess most would feel it a cardinal sin to talk of both in the same list? :angel

I love Star Wars, and ESB, but the holiest of the holies comparatively speaking is Star Trek, TOS. No, TOS is not a film, but I'd rather watch them at this point.

I posted the Rate ST Movies thread, because I haven't seen them all and I wondered where the real fans stood. Based on the recommendations here, I am going to snag The Wrath of Khan on Blu-Ray.

I will stay on record for hating SW prequels. I could elaborate, but it's pointless.
For me:

1) ANH
2) Empire
3) Wrath Of Khan
4) Star Trek Saves The Whales (I know, but for me it seemed like the cast really had a great time making this one, and it echoed on screen).
5) JJ Trek
6) First Contact
The rest, meh....I'll watch when on t.v., but not often, so the order really does not matter.
1) Empire
2) WOK
3) StarWars
4) ST - TMP
5) The Undiscovered Country
6) The Voyage Home
7) Search for Spock
8) The Final Frontier
100) jj trek
I just can't do it! The complexities of comparing these two monster franchises from their best to their worst is beyond my geek skills!

Too... many... variables, inequities.... can't do AAAAAAHHHHH
1. Star Wars (all of them, the complete saga)
99. Star Trek Wrath of Khan
100. JJ Trek
101. ST: TMP