Raiders of the Lost Ark Ravenwood Ark Diary Non-Canon

Mike J.

Master Member
Was watching Raiders of the Lost Ark a few weeks ago (on tape.), and it occurred to me that I'd like to see a Ravenwood ark of the covenant diary, like Henry Jones' grail diary.

I know this has been kicked around before... Did Wayne make one of these? Or a 'kit'?

I've seen bits & pieces of info on the Indygear forum.

The usual route is to suppose the green notebook Indy is writing in when he's in the map room and surveying is Abner's old ark diary.

It seems like a fun and interesting idea. Since I last saw Raiders I've been gathering information on the ark, Tanis, and pictures of such. A good diary's gotta have photos, drawings, maps, text, and scraps of stuff in it.

Also, if it's going to be realistic, it should have a relatively coherent narrative or progression. Should be a rough chronology of Abner's searches, travels, finds, etc. It should have multiple theories about location of ancient Tanis. Lots of talk about fate of the ark, speculation, Muslim rumors, Mishnayot, Well of the Souls, Walter Juvelius excavations, Cairo museum, etc. Chronologically, must show facts & discoveries about same, leading to Tanis, map room, Staff of Ra.

I'm still not entirely sure how I'm going to put this all together (if I attempt it at all). I am not going to hand-write it — would take forever, and I don't want my handwriting in it. That forces me to make the thing in the computer, which leads to it's own set of problems.

Like I said earlier, I've mostly been collecting pics & text from online.

I'd like to see what others have come up with, and as a special treat, I'll show you what I've been working on lately (a multi-use non-canon paper prop, good for filling out all diaries).

Damn it SS -- I was expecting to see some of your goodies in this thread.

I've yet to do something as dedicated as an Indy diary (although my own diary is a thing of wonder and beauty forever :p.)

This could be a good group project -- one person write the narrative, another hand-write it, maybe another do the sketches. It wouldn't take as long then, and everyone could have a stake in it.
So, you want to see my goodies, eh? :love :lol

Here's my current big project: Egyptian banknotes. I figure they'd fit in any Indy collection, or Mummy, or maybe even Casablanca (I know it doesn't take place there). Wasn't there some Agatha Christie story about murder on the Nile? Could shoehorn these into a Lovecraft collection, I suppose.

These are dated 1924, so nothing earlier than that — unless I feel compelled to change the date. I plan to make a 1, 5 and 10, and maybe a 2.



Still missing a vignette on the front right side... Color scheme's not final, either.

Frankly I'm quite pleased with how realistic the back looks. I've got hold of a program for making guilloche designs and moires and spirograph-type stuff, and this is the first time I've used it extensively. Mu hu hu wa ha ha ha.

Further bulletins as events warrant.

Yes, Wayne did do a kit. I still have mine and it's one of dozens of unfinished/unstarted projects waiting for a few rainy days...
Great work. I saw the link you posted to the guilloche program -- too bad it doesn't work on a REAL computer ;) I just sold my Mac mini :(

Since my interest tends more toward the medieval, I have a bunch of great filters in Photoshop that will do such things as convert images into engravings and such.

It's just amazing the tools that are out there.
Wayne did do a kit of this. I helped him with it. The Diary was actually the Abner Ravenwood Diary as it was referred to this in the Raider novelization.

The notebook Wayne used was off the shelf with some major alterations such as having it cut down, removing the spine material and making a new cloth cover for it.

I am working on one for auction to benefit his family. I have an original word doc that we worked back on forth on, it only needed some minor updates to match the kit. I will be doing a really nice printed version of this replica.

Mike, let me know if you have any questions, I would be more than willing to help you out with whatever you are working on.

I have one - I got the 'kit' from Wayne (awesome reading, too) and my father and I did the whole project together, sketches and all, in pencil for accuracy. (His handwriting is much more 'Abner Ravenwood-ish' than mine, and everybody that sees the piece would recognize *my* handwriting...)

I'll take some pics and post them here in the next day or so.
Done with the first denomination.


I finished the layout work on the £2 as well; just need to add color.

Re: Raiders — Ravenwood Ark Diary — Non-Canon

anyone have any pics of thier raiders diary?

anyone offering any kits/blanks?
Re: Raiders — Ravenwood Ark Diary — Non-Canon

Have a look on the Indygear site......COW forum (Club Obi Wan)

I have a kit too. Wayne did a simply AMAZING amount of detail study ect to make the story and pics ultra believable. A credit to his abilities.

Re: Raiders — Ravenwood Ark Diary — Non-Canon

thanks i just reged there, any idea what section it would be under (i didnt see it under grail diary)
and actually , this IS a canon item at least the diary itself (the writings i guess would be non since they werent shown onscreen)...
Re: Raiders — Ravenwood Ark Diary — Non-Canon


I offering the kit that Wayne and I worked on. Let me know if you are interested.
