Question on scratch building wheels/tires


New Member

Nevermind guys, I think I've actually worked out how to do it.

I'm going to try sculpting the half of piece out of Chavant clay. Once I get one side complete I'll make two castings of it then fit the two of them together, scratch building the bolt detail, cutouts, etc. on the new master. When that is complete I'll recast the whole thing as one solid piece.

That's the plan anyway.

I would like to cast the tire part in rubber, can someone recommend a brand?


Hey guys,

IÂ’m in the process of scratch building a 1/6 WWII wheeled vehicle and am stymied by one important piece: The tires/wheels.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about sculpting the tread? IÂ’ve got a few vague ideas on how to build the rims but IÂ’m at a complete loss when it comes to the tread. Any help at all would be appreciated.

I am not fimiliar with alot of that type of product but I
do get the Micromark catalog in the mail and they have a
product in their molding resins and rubber section on
materials tyo make tires from.

Search around and see if they have it on the
site. I don't have time right now or I would search it up
for you. Maybe when I get home later.

Hope that helps some........
Found it. Thanks for the heads up!


Does anyone have another source for rubber that can be used to cast tires? Maybe something the guys making rubber dummy guns use? It would cost me an arm and a leg to use what Micromark is selling for the size and number of tires I'm making.

If anyone can point out a source I would appreciate it. Thanks!