Question, how to keep the end of the Obi ANH saber straight??

Spirit of ob1

Master Member
Im having a problem keeping the end of the obi straight.
where the graflex connects to the grenade?
It seems to slightly slant. anyone has an idea how to fix this? i was thinking of filling the inside with something... any ideas?

how far does the clamp go on the grenade?
Why don't you post pics. There are so many ways to do this and seeing what you have is the best way to covey what you are trying to say.

Do you have a spacer under the clamp?

I dont have a spacer because the gear piece has and extra piece that the clamp locks onto.

My clamp and gear piece are hallow.

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yep, i had originally made a spacer from a old trophy column. it had a hole for the all thread to run through already for putting together the trophy.

all i had to do was sand down the oputside to fit, then i got a spacer from roman before he closed up shop, so now thats on mine.
Here is a pic of the inside. i went to a hardware store but no luck..
how much of the grenade is the graflex clamp suppose to cover?
