Question about Vader helmet liners for trooping


New Member
I found one seller on ebay that offers gray in color padded helmet liners for Vader helmets. The seller is out of South America. Without giving them free advertising etc...has anyone used these people and if so any feedback on their product?

I had to peel all the crappy padding off my Rubies helmet to do the extensive mods I'm working on and would like to eventually finish it off with some nice new padding. I'm not sure what the best approach would be as my helmet will be designed for trooping.

I even read somewhere that one guy actually sprayed a type of liquid black tape onto interior, to seal his padding off. Interesting but not too sure about taking that route.

I'd even consider replacing the padding with the same type...with a lot more care of it actually looked nice...if I could locate a source for it.
Both Fenix Props and Custom Props are outstanding to deal with.

I bought some Vader items from them years ago when they worked together as Lucus Alveraz and have been very pleased with the products.

I believe they both use similar patters and share a tailor for fabric and leather. I always read Vader Threads and know many RPF'ers who have used them.
I was looking at the ones made by Fenix. They look pretty nice, but have never seen any photos of them mounted in a helmet that someone put together.
Making my own is an option...I just think the ones made by Fenix look pretty nice and give the mask a nice finishing touch.
To dust of this thread, I recently bought a Rubies Supreme and plan to do some mods as well. I went searching on here and on ebay and found the same padding. looks to ensure a good fit and comfortable to wear. To ask the question TS asked, has anyone bought this padding and mounted it in his DV helmet, and what's your opinion?