I've been looking around here and searching the forums about the "chrome" painting process, but other than arguing over which paint is best I haven't seen much in actual results or techniques.
So far I've noticed that there are many, many people that have had success with one product or another but don't describe what they did to get the effect or a good mirror shine and then another person hasn't be able to replicate the success and says the product is crap...
Personally, I'm looking for an aerosol chroming solution for a Thomas helmet I've just started, and the best ones available are either Alcad II or Spaz Stix as far as I can tell, one being much more expensive than the other. I also noticed that I need a perfectly clean and smooth surface, almost glasslike, if I want to get a decent mirror chrome effect, so here's my question:
Is/are there any good tutorials here or elsewhere outlining how to get a really good and clean finish on a helmet in steps? And what kinds of products they use or tips/tricks on how to get a really good paint job on a resin helmet?
I think that if I bondo and smooth the surface and manage to get a really good primer layer down before the black backer goes on then the aerosol chrome spray could actually look really good on a daft punk helmet, and with the spax stix I can use the clear on top to protect, giving me a tougher chrome finish than a normal paint or open-chrome spray like the alcad.
Tips, suggestions, comments?