Pumpkinhead Sculpt & Latex Pull


Finished my newest sculpt a couple weeks ago thought I would share it here - Used Monster Clay for the sculpt - then molded in "Hydrocal" which was a mistake as you can see the mold broke due to stress cracks.

I managed to glue it all back together and get a good pull from it - The latex cast was foam fill with a soft polyfoam.

I will be placing this first pull up for sale so I can buy some more latex, I will be making a few more pulls but I am not sure how long the mold will hold out.
Awesome!! Very nice work! Is it 1:1 scale?..hard to tell from the pictures. How much are you asking for a foam filled pull?
It's a little over 18" front to back - and about 10" wide at the widest area near the back of the head. I tried to make it a close to full size as I could gather from screen shots...which is hard to tell...one shot it looks huge...next shot looks small. So I based the size off a photo I found of the movie head sitting on top of an armature.

I have the foam filled unpainted pull up on ebay right now with a starting bid of $160, figured I would gauge the price after that one sells - I saw one on there a month ago that went for $400+ and it hardly looked like pumpkinhead.....I don't plan on selling the foam filled pulls any higher than $250 as long as the mold holds out anyway.
next time around use Ultracal 30 for the mold with burlap reinforcement. Hydrocal is great for one sided applications but the expansion is too great to use for a 2 piece mold. Ultracal 30 is a very stable stone with almost no expansion it's the best for these types of molds.
Yeah I could have sworn I ordered Ultracal....but got Hydrocal, I tried to do it all in one batch to avoid the expanding issues since that was all I had but it didn't quite work.
Yes indeed...and it was salvageable so it all worked out - hadn't planned on making to many pulls anyway, 1 for myself and a couple just to pay for more supplies :)
You should run a nice skinned foam filled copy, clean up the latex skin as best you can and remold in Ultra Cal. It'll hold up for more pulls. Looks good! My dad worked on the original!
Finally got around to painting on of my latex pulls - Couldn't decide on the color scheme so I just kept adding colors until I was somewhat happy :)

Next I need to make teeth for it
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